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Rostand says in the foreword to his play, that in it he does not espouse this cause or that, but only tells the story of "one poor little boy." In another of his plays, "Cyrano de Bergerac," there is one poor little tune played on a pipe of which the hero says: "Écoutez, Gascons, c'est toute la Gascogne."

Just then, the bell on board the steamer rang out the signal for departure. "Thank Heaven!" thought I. "Monsieur," said Ménou, "the plantation is très charmante, mais ce Mistère Bleak is nothing worth, and you you are trop gentilhomme." I swallowed this equivocal compliment, nearly choking as I did so. "Ecoutez," continued my companion; "you shall go with me." "Go with you!"

I asked him his opinion of the salvability of protestants and infallibility of Catholics. "Ecoutez moi," was his reply. "Je pense que ceux qui savent que la Religion Catholique est la vraie Religion et ne la pratiquent pas, seront damnés, mais pour ceux qui ne pensent pas comme nous. Oh non, Señor, ne le croyez pas. Oh mon Dieu! non, non! jamais, jamais!"

Bring here some wine, and let the people be well served when they arrive." Presently the landlady entered with the wine, a fine, bold Provençal, and a decided royalist, as all the Provençal snow are. "Ecoutez, bonne femme, vous attendez l'Empereur n'est pas?" 'Oui, Monsieur, j'espere que nous le verrons? "Eh bien, bonne femme, vous autres que dites vous de l'Empereur?"

"You must go, ma petite," she said; "Madame is waiting, and I came to fetch you." She walked to the door, and then turned round suddenly. "Ecoutez, mon enfant," she said, placing her two hands on Madelon's shoulders, and looking down into her face, "you will not forget me? I I should not like to think you will go away, and forget me."

Oh, cher Capitaine, I release you from that promise. Helas! I hope it is not too late. For Heaven's sake, try to pass her! Ecoutez! les polissons! how they taunt us!" The Captain's face brightened up for a moment, and then suddenly resumed its vexed expression. He replied

"Ecoutez!" he would cry; and then his voice rang through the premises like a trumpet; and when, mimicking it, came the small pipe of a Ginevra, a Mathilde, or a Blanche, one understood why a hollow groan of scorn, or a fierce hiss of rage, rewarded the tame echo. "Vous n'etes donc que des poupees," I heard him thunder. "Vous n'avez pas de passions vous autres. Vous ne sentez donc rien?

It was against nature when a man lived like that. And what did he get for it? "Écoutez, mademoiselle," the little man of the Midi said to her earnestly, laying his finger on her arm, "if the doctor worked only one half so hard only one half, now I am telling you he could be a rich man to-day, with a palace, three, four cars, a chauffeur, a valet de chambre.

And this was evidently prudent, for when the fourth section opens, direct exhortation to the audience has again become necessary: Maintenant, seigneurs, écoutez ce que dit l'Écriture. And once more in the fifth section: Barons, écoutez un excellent couplet.

I must conclude, for we are just going to dinner, and I am not yet dressed. Love me as I love you, and then we shall never cease loving each other. Adieu! J'espere que vous aurez deja pris quelque lection dans la langue francaise, et je ne doute point que ecoutez! que vous aurez bientot le francais mieux que moi; car il y a certainement deux ans que je n'ai pas ecrit un mot de cette langue.