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As soon as business permitted they took the road to the capital, and returned to Versailles with some speed. Scarcely had they arrived, when the Queen fell ill; it did not deserve the name of sickness. It was only an indisposition, pure and simple, an abscess in the armpit; that was all.

had created the necessity for States General, it was long discussed in council whether they should be assembled at Versailles or at forty or sixty leagues from the capital; the Queen was for the latter course, and insisted to the King that they ought to be far away from the immense population of Paris.

He died without issue, at Versailles, on the 28th of May 1682.

Being fond of her son, and believing him to be honest in the advice he gave her, she went to Paris, and wrote to the King that she would never come back. The Duc du Maine immediately sent off all her packages after her without her knowledge; he even had her furniture thrown out of the window, so that she could not come back to Versailles.

The courtiers did not fully enter into the popular enthusiasm which the Dauphiness had inspired; the disgrace of the Duc de Choiseul had removed her real support from her; and the party which had the ascendency at Court since the exile of that minister was, politically, as much opposed to her family as to herself. The Dauphiness was therefore surrounded by enemies at Versailles.

Born at Versailles, the 9th of October, 1757, Charles X., King of France and Navarre, was entering his sixty-eighth year at the time of his accession to the throne. According to the portrait traced by Lamartine, "he had kept beneath the first frosts of age the freshness, the stature, the suppleness, and beauty of youth."

I no longer inquired of myself why this lady was seated on a sofa, and my grandmother on a low stool; but my feelings led to such reflection, and I saw the end of the visit with satisfaction as if a weight was taken off my mind." Another time she was taken to pass eight days at Versailles, in the palace of that king and queen whose throne she was one day to sap.

Not comprehending the nature of the Storm that wiped out old tyranny, Louis dangerously rode the Storm, he could not guide it. His lack of understanding is sadly shown in the closing scene at Versailles when they brought him news of the people's coming. "Mais, c'est une revolte. Why, that is a revolt!" exclaimed the bewildered monarch. "No, Sire," replied the Minister gravely, "'tis not a revolt.

"Let us thank God," he cried, clasping his hands. "He has heard us; our mourning is ended!" M. Thiers was by that time living in Paris in the Élysée. He had continued to reside at the Prefecture of Versailles while the Assembly was in session, but he came to the Élysée during its recess, and kept a certain state there. Yet he never would submit himself to the restraints of etiquette.

Could you see the grand proportions, the colossal majesty of the great Henri's palace that palace whose costly completion sat heavy upon Sully's careful soul! Henri loved to build and his grandson, Louis, inherits that Augustan taste." "You were telling us of a new palace at Versailles " "A royal city in stone white dazzling grandiose.

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