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I was sitting in the dusk in my room at Hotel des Bains, when the visitor for whom I hoped made his appearance in the person of Clive, with his broad shoulders, and broad hat, and a shaggy beard, which he had thought fit in his quality of painter to assume. Our greeting it need not be said was warm; and our talk, which extended far into the night, very friendly and confidential.

Madame de Cadour turned to her old friend and said: "Will you come with me, Monsieur d'Apreval?" He bowed with a smile, and with all the gallantry of former years: "I will go wherever you go," he replied. "Very well, then, go and get a sunstroke," Monsieur de Cadour said; and he went back to the Hôtel des Bains to lie down for an hour or two.

"How far away do you think the Germans are?" asked Beth. "Nieuport les Bains. But they will get no nearer." "No?" "Surely not, mamselle. Our soldiers are there, awaiting them. Our soldiers, and the French." "And you think the enemy cannot capture Dunkirk?" inquired Jones. "Dunkirk! The Germans capture Dunkirk? It is impossible." "Why impossible?"

Then, when the cattle went straying into the pond, and the geese were getting through the corn, Granny Bains would suddenly cease singing, and snatching up her snuff-box, hobble across the fields in wild haste, with her two dogs at her side as respectful aides-de-camp, and little John bringing up the rear.

We must now retrace a few steps, and by the Rue St. Claude turn into the Rue St. Denis, and proceeding southwards observe the establishment of Les Bains St.

He had even, in those earlier hesitating moments, consolingly recalled to his mind how Monsieur Blanc's modestly denominated Société Anonyme des Bains de Mer et Cercle des Étrangers made it a point to proffer a railway ticket to any impending wreck, such as himself, who might drift like a stain across its roads of merriment, or leave a telltale blot upon one of its perennially beautiful and ever-odorous flower-beds.

Into that stifling atmosphere for the Administration of the Bains de Mer of Monaco seem as afraid of fresh air as of purity propaganda the glorious afternoon sunlight struggled through the curtained windows, while over each table, in addition to the electric light, oil-lamps shaded green with a billiard-table effect cast a dull, ghastly illumination upon the eager countenances of the players.

Madame de Cadour turned to her old friend and said: "Will you come with me, Monsieur d'Apreval?" He bowed with a smile, and with all the gallantry of by-gone years: "I will go wherever you go," he replied. "Very well, then, go and get a sunstroke," Monsieur de Cadour said; and he went back to the Hôtel des Bains, to lie down on his bed for an hour or two.

La Rochelle serves, in the months of July and August, as a station de bains for a modest provincial society; and, putting aside the question of inns, it must be charming on summer afternoons.

"Perrichet after all was quite wrong not to hold his tongue. For in that pot of cold cream, as I was sure, were hidden those valuable diamond earrings which Mlle. Celie habitually wore." The two men had reached the square in front of the Etablissement des Bains. Ricardo dropped on to a bench and wiped his forehead. "But I am in a maze," he cried. "My head turns round. I don't know where I am."

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