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"Good bye, little one," he said, pleasantly; "you're what we call a 'brick' in our country. I like you, and I'm proud of you." Tato did not reply. With streaming eyes she was examining her father's shattered hand, and sobbing at sight of the blood that dripped upon the rocks at his feet. "Get inside!" called Beth, sharply; "and close up that rock. Lively, now!"

"Come on," he said, "if you're anxious to get under cover." He could trust himself to say no more. He rode ahead. Beth did her best to follow, and make no complaint. The broncho, however, was a rapid walker. This she had not realized while Van was striding on in the lead. She fell behind repeatedly, and Van was obliged to halt his horse and wait. She began to be lame.

"What did you do, Patricia?" "I fed him." "Did he really eat?" "Like a starved cat." "Hm-m-m," said Beth. "What next, I wonder?" Patsy wondered, too, the cold shivers chasing one another up and down her back. The boy was coming toward them, coolly puffing a cigar. He did not seem to totter quite so much as before, but he was glad to sink into an easy chair.

What's the matter?" cried Jo, as Beth put out her hand as if to warn her off, and asked quickly. . . "You've had the scarlet fever, haven't you?" "Years ago, when Meg did. Why?" "Then I'll tell you. Oh, Jo, the baby's dead!" "What baby?" "Mrs. Hummel's. It died in my lap before she got home," cried Beth with a sob. "My poor dear, how dreadful for you!

"I think so," said Uncle John, smiling. "Your arm, please, Miss Doyle." The Major escorted Beth and Mr. Jones walked solemnly beside Myrtle, who still used crutches, but more as a matter of convenience than because they were necessary.

The others took it for granted that Beth could have nothing to say for herself, and her brother Jim was especially indignant and insulting, his opinion of her being couched in the most offensive language.

We shall see all that's going on from there." Beth was only too thankful to go. A waltz was being played, and Dan passed them, dancing with Bertha Petterick. They glided over the floor together with the gentle voluptuous swing, dreamy eyes, and smiling lips of two perfect dancers, conscious of nothing but the sensuous delight of interwoven paces and clasping arms.

"I'm trying to think," Beth rejoined. "''Twas in the prime of summer time, An evening calm and cool.... "'Two sudden blows with a ragged stick, And one with a heavy stone.... "'And yet I feared him all the more, For lying there so still.... "'I took the dreary body up.... "Ah, I know I have it!" she exclaimed joyfully, and with a look of relief; "Harrowgate Knaresboro' the cave there

Beth had her folding table out in the rose garden where Kenneth was working at his easel, and while the boy painted she wrote her campaign letters and "editorials." At first Ken had resented the management of his campaign by his three girl friends; but soon he was grateful for their assistance and proud of their talents.

She faced him glowingly. He suddenly took both her hands and held them in a firm, warm clasp from which there could be no escape. "Beth," he said audaciously, "you are never going to marry that man." She was struggling vainly to be free. Her face was crimson. "Let me go!" she demanded. "Mr. Van you let me go! I don't see how you dare to say a thing like that. I don't know why "

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