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That he had "lee'd" to no purpose and got a "saft" name for it was a blow to his pride. Hearing the clatter of fork and spoon, Bobby trotted from behind the bar and saved the day of discomfiture. Time for dinner, indeed! Up he came on his hind legs and politely begged his master for food. It was the prettiest thing he could do, and the landlord delighted in him.

"Nae mair do I!" said the soutar; "but I doobt the ane that lee'd to the ither, maun hae to be coontit the warst!" "There canna be mony sic men!" said Maggie. "'Deed there's a heap o' them no a hair better!" rejoined her father; "but wae's me for the puir lassie that believes them!" "She kenned what was richt a' the time, father!"

He lee'd in his throat that tauld ye that. Kidnapped? He never was!" "That's no fault of mine, nor yet of yours," said Alan; "nor yet of Hoseason's, if he's a man that can be trusted." "What do ye mean?" cried Ebenezer. "Did Hoseason tell ye?" "Why, ye donnered auld runt, how else would I ken?" cried Alan.

"Has he tauld ye himsel'?" asked my uncle. "That's my concern," said Alan. "Weel," said my uncle, "I dinna care what he said; he lee'd; and the solemn God's truth is this, that I gave him twenty pound. But I'll be perfec'ly honest with ye: forbye that, he was to have the selling of the lad in Caroliny, whilk would be as muckle mair, but no' from my pocket, ye see." "Thank you, Mr. Thomson.

"Sair do I m'urn 'at the shaidow o' that lee ever crossed my rain'." "It was but a shaidow," said Cosmo. "But what wad ye think o' yersel', gien it had been you 'at sae near na, I winna nibble at the trowth ony mair gien it had been you, I wull say't,'at lee'd that lee sic an' ae sas it was?"

Mony a better man has been waur misca'd, an' gart fowk forget that ever the lee was lee'd. Na, na; never rim frae a lee. An' never say, naither, 'at ye didna du the thing, 'cept it be laid straucht to yer face. Lat a lee lie i' the dirt. Gien ye pike it up, the dirt 'll stick till ye, though ye fling the lee ower the dyke at the warl's en'. Na, na!

"Lie still, sir," said Lizzy. "It's naething. I was only jist thinkin' 'at that wad be the w'y 'at the father o' my bairn rizoned wi' himsel' whan he lee'd to me." "Hey!" said the astonished factor, and in his turn held his peace, trying to think.

After he married the great English fortune, folk called him less of a Scottishman than Edward. 'Folk lee'd, then, said Summertrees; 'poor Harry was none of your bold-speaking, ranting reivers, that talk about what they did yesterday, or what they will do to-morrow; it was when something was to do at the moment that you should have looked at Harry Redgauntlet.

"Shows how little you know about human natur', John, especially woman human natur'. Sarah Lee'd jump at the chance. She'd been settin' in the station for a long time waitin' for the express to pick her up; now she'd be willin' to take a slow freight." "Well, she might do worse. He's likely and healthy " "Humph so's an onion.

"An' noo whaur is Richard?" "He's awa' in Paris pentin' pictures. He went there to learn to be a penter." "An' whaur gat he the money to go wi'? There's whaur the new black silk dress went ye should ha' bought yersel' that year. Ye lat me think it went to the doctor. Child! Child!" "Yes, sister; I lee'd to ye. It's been a heavy sin on my soul an' ye may well thank the Lord it's no been on yer ain.