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Updated: August 29, 2024

They crowded instinctively closer in the sudden darkness. A brisk wind had sprung up. It rattled among the trees, and set the dead leaves in gentle, rustling motion. It suggested to Bobby the picture which had been forced into his brain the night of his grandfather's death.

"That's almost exactly what he said about you, only he didn't say intrude." "What did he say?" "Butt in," said Bobby. The Honorable Percival suffered one of those acute revulsions that had become less frequent of late. At such times he marveled at himself for permitting such vulgarity in his presence. "You Americans have the most extraordinary expressions, Miss Boynton!" he said.

I've dragged him here all the way from his home upstairs, an' don't you dare lay a finger on him. Uncle John!" "Fair play, Patsy! Bobby's my chum, and " "Well, I'll let you have half of him, Nunkie. Down on your hands and knees, sir, and be a horse. That's it Now, Bobby, straddle Uncle John and drive him by his necktie here it is. S-t-e-a-d-y, Uncle; and neigh neigh like a horse!"

It remains for the English clerk to be the only Englishman who seeks, by the clothes he wears in his hours of ease, to appear as something more than what he really is. Off duty he fair1y dotes on the high hat of commerce. Frequently he sports it in connection with an exceedingly short and bobby sackcoat, and trousers that are four or five inches too short in the legs for him.

Bobby lived constantly in this high breathless state of delight in Celia; and misery in the condition of his love for her. The Fuller boys and Angus saw him no more; the little library was neglected; the wood-box half the time forgotten; and the arithmetic, always a source of trouble, tangled itself into a hopeless snarl of which Bobby's blurred mental vision could make nothing.

But the repetition and again the repetition of what he had learned thoroughly struck cold his every higher faculty. He shrugged it all from him, and turned with unabated freshness his inquiring child's eyes to what new the world had to offer him. After the collapse of the printing business Bobby and Johnny turned to Bobby Junior and the little sleigh. They drove often, far into the country.

Gradually the launch came nearer, and with some difficulty succeeded in getting alongside. A cheer of welcome went up as Bobby and Percival scrambled up the ship's-ladder. Their hats were adorned with trailing wreaths of smilax, and about their shoulders were garlands of carnations.

"No!" she said. "There are five of them here." And then, a look of dismay came over her face. "My goodness!" she exclaimed. "I've forgotten to pick out a place to move to!" WITH the clatter of the mowing-machine growing louder every moment, Bobby Bobolink didn't stop to ask his wife to what place she would like to move. "Follow me!" he cried. And rising quickly he headed for Cedar Swamp, with Mrs.

"I I think I can keep awake," stammered Bobby and opened his eyes very wide as if he were trying to stretch his eyelids so as to make them stay open. "I'll help you by asking you a few questions," replied Old Mother Nature. Who is it that people sometimes call you the little cousin of?" Bobby grinned. "Buster Bear," said he. "That's right," replied Old Mother Nature.

But I suppose my mother would not let me go to sea." "I suppose not. Mothers are always afraid of salt water." By this time the jolly boat was alongside; and bidding the captain adieu, he jumped into it, and the men pulled him to the pilot boat, which had come up into the wind at the captain's hail. Bobby was kindly received on board, and in a couple of hours landed at the wharf in Boston.

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