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John," said Yancy, and turned his back on his friend. "I reckon Bladen will have the law on his side, Bob!" "The law be damned I got what's fair on mine, I don't wish fo' better than that," exclaimed Yancy, over his shoulder. He strode from the store and started down the sandy road at a brisk run.

"Would I had been there then," said Margaret; "for I am dried up for want of dew from heaven." "Why, he preacheth again this afternoon. But mayhap you are wanted here." "Not she," said Catherine. "Come, away ye go, if y'are minded." "Indeed," said Margaret, "methinks I should not be such a damper at table if I could come to 't warm from a good sermon." "Then you must be brisk," observed Joan.

Landale a person for whom he had more dread than admiration he was starting off homeward again at a brisk canter, when a stern hail from the rider arrested him. "Johnny!" The boy debated a moment, measured the distance between the cottage and himself, and shrewdly recognised the advisability of obeying. "Johnny, my boy, I want you at the Hall; take hold of my stirrup, and come along with me."

In dry weather, with a brisk wind, the fire is apt to run on the surface of the ground in the bush, where the dry leaves are thickest. In clearing the land a good deal of brush-wood and tops of trees are thrown into the edge of the woods. It follows, as a matter of course, that the greatest danger to be apprehended is the burning the boundary-fences of farms.

How gay the streets were that day! how brisk every one was, and how bright the faces looked, as people trotted about with big baskets, holly-wreaths, and young evergreens going to blossom into splendid Christmas trees! 'If I could have a tree for the children, I'd never want anything again.

Once in the open air, the brisk autumn breezes caught something from her hand, and sent little fragments whirling through space paper scraps, that might have been dissected particles of a bank note. Cora listened in some surprise to the messenger, who broke in upon her meditations with a trifle less of suavity than was usual in Miss Arthur's maid. "A gentleman, to see me!

The streets were alive with an abundance of merry young sailors and soldiers, brisk, handsome boys, with the quiet air of discipline that converts a country lout into a self-respecting citizen.

But suddenly, as the cart rounded a turn in the road, there came into view the figure of a girl travelling in the same direction. The young man slipped from his perch and prodded up the oxen to a brisk walk. As the noise of the team approached her, the girl looked around. She was good to see, with her straight, vigorous young figure in its blue-gray homespun gown.

The success of the first trading vessel was so great that, within three years, five other ships were sent to the "Mauritius river" as the Hudson was first named. There was thus opened a very brisk traffic with the Indians which was alike beneficial to both parties. Soon one or two small forts were erected and garrisoned on the river for the protection of the traders.

Put a hook through one end, and roast the pork before a clear brisk fire, moistening the skin occasionally with butter. Or you may bake it in a Dutch oven. It is a good side dish. Thicken the gravy with a little flour, and flavour it with a glass of wine. Have currant jelly to eat with it. It should be delicate young pork.

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