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Why, say, Sam, he told me, last time he went down to Plum Centre, he was goin' to ask Major Buford an' his wife, an' the gal that's stayin' with them tall gal, fine looker why, Sam, he said he would ast them, an' maybe they'd come up to the dance who knows? Sam, he says that gal ain't no common sort whole outfit's a puzzler to him, he says, Sam does."

'Tisn't mine, all this stuff you see. I got some kale in advance not much, but enough to swing me; but of course, the outfit's the company's. But I'll tell you one thing: I'm going to bring some long green home with me, you can bet! And when I do" Nat had given Maw a prodigious nudge in the ribs "when I do I ain't goin' to stay an old bachelor forever! Do you get that?"

"Can you have everything ready by morning?" "The outfit's waiting. It's ready now, Johnny." "Then we'll leave at dawn. I'll come to you to-night in the coulee, and we'll make our final plans. My brain is a little muddled now, and I've got to clear it, and make myself presentable before supper. We must not let Joanne know. She must suspect nothing absolutely nothing."

"The remnant of my outfit's contained in one small bag," laughed Nasmyth; "the rest's scattered about the hillsides of British Columbia. I was a picturesque scarecrow when I reached the settlements." They moved away along the platform, and on reaching the trap he got up beside her and handed her the reins. "I want to look about, if you don't mind," he explained.

A soft, balmy evening dropped down about the camp, which was established in the further cup between the hills. As evening approached the cattle from the outside cup were driven into this inner enclosure. They could be cared for at night much more easily in one herd. Tom Collins and the outfit's cook outvied each other in making supper.

"Well, m'son," observed Bunt about half an hour after supper, "if your provender has shook down comfortable by now, we might as well jar loose and be moving along out yonder." We left the fire and moved toward the hobbled ponies, Bunt complaining of the quality of the outfit's meals.

That'll keep you from thinkin' too hard, and we're like to be busy." "Then you're takin' me prisoner?" queried Sundown. "That's correc'." "How about the law of that?" "This outfit's makin' its own laws these days," said Loring. And so far as Loring was concerned that ended the argument. Not so, however, with Sundown. He said nothing.

Honeyman, get that molasses jug out of the wagon it sits right in front of the chuck box. It does me good to see this outfit's tastes once more going back to the good old staples of life." We made our usual early start, keeping well out from the river on a course almost due northward. The next river on our way was the Wichita, still several days' drive from the mouth of Monday Creek.

"What we do know is that you were figurin' to run the street right past here, maybe through my store and Uncle Jim's place, maybe takin' Tom's place for depot yards. That outfit's been all over the hills lookin' for claims to jump. It's a case of gobble and steal. They say you're hired to help it on, and are gettin' a share of the steal.

The whole outfit's going to pot, an' I, for one, don't care how soon it goes." "Rather a nice way for a cattle foreman to talk about his ranch, isn't it?" asked Lee colorlessly. "Cattle foreman?" sniffed Carson with further expletives. "Now will you stan' on your two feet an' explain to me how in blue blazes a man can be a cattle foreman when there ain't no cattle!" "So that's it, is it?