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If all the guys were in it that say they were they could have licked the Germans the first day out. That outfit's worse than the old Floradora Sextette." Mrs. Gory was tremendously proud of him, and not as worried as she should have been. She thought it all a rather smart game, and not at all serious. She wasn't even properly alarmed about her European money, at first.

Bein' full of 'nitiative, like this fernologist states, Jack don't idle along ontil somethin's happened. Not much; he abates it in the bud. "Once when most of the outfit's over in Tucson, an' Jack is sorter holdin' down the camp alone, a band of rustlers comes trackin' in, allowin' they'll run Wolfville some. Which, that's where Jack's 'nitiative shows up big.

I tell you straight, Colonel you can bank on what I'm sayin' that Jesuit outfit's all right." "Oh, you think so?" The rejoinder came a little sharply. "Yes, sir, I just do. I think I'd be bigoted not to admit it." "So, you'll be thick as peas in a pod with the priests now?" "Well, I'm the one that can afford to be. They won't convert me!

Boyle," before he went in and took his seat where Miss Bridger had placed him and he doubted much her innocence in the matter elbow to elbow with the Pilgrim. "How's shipping coming on, Billy?" inquired the Pilgrim easily, passing to him the platter of roast beef. "Most through, ain't yuh?" "The outfit's on the way in," answered Billy, accepting noncommittally the meat and the overture for peace.

"We saw your fire and thought we'd make for it," he said. "I see your cooking outfit's still lying round." "It's at your service," Blake told him. "I'm sorry we can't offer you much supper, though there's a bit of a bannock and some flour." "We'll soon fix that," said the other. "Guess you're up against it, but our grub's holding out." He turned to the driver.

When we get to Lake Linderman, and the trees are chopped and whipsawed into planks, I'll boss the building of the boat. Big Bill is a logger and miner. So he'll boss getting out the logs and all mining operations. Most of our outfit's ahead. We went broke paying the Indians to pack that much of it to the top of Chilcoot.

"Why, blame his old hide!" pants the courier later, "the quartermaster told me never to lose a second, but git that to him before dark. The hull outfit's ordered to Chicago by special train." And so, finding the secret out, the colonel presently puts aside professional sang-froid and condescends to be human again.

We always had to notice where the calf lay down to sleep, as he was a black rascal, and the men were liable to stumble over him while changing guards during the night. He never could be prevailed on to walk with his mother, but followed the wagon or rode in his hammock, and was always happy as a lark when the recipient of the outfit's attentions.

The Happy Family listened to him soberly, their eyes staring broodily at the picture he conjured. "Well, by golly, we're makin' our last stand, too," Slim blurted with his customary unexpectedness. "Our back's agin the wall right now. If we can't hold 'em back from takin' what little range is left, this outfit's going under. We got to hold 'em, by golly, er there won't be no more Flying U."

It was with something like reluctance he withdrew his gaze from the far distance. "I've only two days more, An-ina," he said. "The outfit's ready to the last ounce of tea and the filling of the last cartridge. The Sleepers are wide awake, and squatting around waiting for the word to 'mush. We just daren't lose the snow for the run to our headquarters. I wish Uncle Steve would get around.