Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 15, 2024
Meanwhile, to the American alcalde, who had established his rule at Yerba Buena, a trading hamlet in the cove opposite the island of that name and nucleus of the present San Francisco, came Folsom, United States army captain and quartermaster, to whom had been given certain lots of land in Yerba Buena, and said: "Why not call the town San Francisco, and bring hither ships which clear from various ports for San Francisco bay?"
"Le voila," answered the cool Frenchman, "dat is our espion our agent our friend ma foi c'etait un grand scelerat voici." While speaking, Sanglier bent over the dead body, and thrust his hand into a pocket of the Quartermaster, out of which he drew a purse. Emptying the contents on the ground, several double-louis rolled towards the soldiers, who were not slow in picking them up.
I was regimental quartermaster and commissary. General Scott had been unable to get clothing for the troops from the North. The men were becoming well, they needed clothing. Material had to be purchased, such as could be obtained, and people employed to make it up into "Yankee uniforms."
The quartermaster reported what he had seen to Christy, though it proved nothing except that the Bellevite was all right, but everything began to look more hopeful to the occupants of the wardroom. They had only to wait, for they could do nothing. The pursuer had ceased to discharge her guns, and those of the Yazoo were useless under present circumstances.
I could not restrain an outbreak of triumphant pleasure at this gallant feat of my countrymen. "Yes, yes," said the honest quartermaster; "it was a fine thing; but a heavy reckoning is at hand. But come, now, let us take the road." In a few moments more I found myself seated upon a heavy Norman horse, whose lumbering demi-peak saddle was nearly cleft in two by a sabre-cut.
Too philosophical, however, to heed what a man like Cap might say or think, he finished his breakfast, without allowing his attention to be again diverted from that important pursuit. "My business here was principally with the Quartermaster," Cap continued, as soon as he had done regarding the prisoner's pantomime.
Retracing his steps, he decided to go to the quartermaster and ask if he could have the key, but before he had taken thirty strides up the parade he remembered that Hatton had told him that the hall-door was never locked and rarely closed. This struck him as odd, and he stopped to think it over in connection with what he had just observed.
On the medical side, there was the British scale of field ambulances and hospitals, and this differs entirely from the Indian scale. What could have been more suitable for muddling than this? Its effects could be seen in the expression of the quartermaster.
To avoid as much hauling as possible, and to give the Army of the James the same number of days' supplies with the Army of the Potomac, General Ord will direct his commissary and quartermaster to have sufficient supplies delivered at the terminus of the road to fill up in passing.
She determined to obey her mother's prayer, and cross the desert of life to reach God's heaven, knowing well that no flowers grew for her along the way of that painful journey. She married Diard. As for the quartermaster, though he had no grace in Juana's eyes, we may well absolve him. He loved her distractedly.
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