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A body lives in Paris, but a body, only stays here. I dote on Paris; I'd druther scrimp along on ten thousand dollars a year there, than suffer and worry here on a real decent income." Miss Gashly "Well then, I wish you'd take us back, mother; I'm sure I hate this stoopid country enough, even if it is our dear native land." Miss Gashly "Sister, I should think you'd be ashamed of yourself!"

A telegram! Poor Delia turned gashly pale at the word, and hugged the child closer to her, as if she thought that little bit of an orange-coloured envelope might be going to do some destruction on her treasure. Art read it slowly to himself, while his face grew as long as to-day and to-morrow; and says he, "Well, it can't be helped!

"She 'm gone that gashly white along o' want o' blood," declared Will; "an' I be busting wi' gude red blood, an' why for shouldn't you put in a pipe an' draw off a quart or so for her betterment? I'll swear 't would strengthen the heart of her." Time passed, and it happened on one occasion, while walking abroad between his vigils, that Blanchard met John Grimbal.

What I done weern't no sin, 'cause him, as be wiser an' cleverer an' better every way than any man in Carnwall, said 'tweern't; an' he knawed. I've heard wise things said, an' I've minded some an' forgot others. None can damn folks but God, when all's done, an' He's the last as would; for God do love even the creeping, gashly worms under a turned stone tu well to damn 'em. Much more humans.

"Let me go!" he yelled again, "unwind your gashly great tail from about my legs, and your skinny fingers from off my throat, or I'll I'll kill you!" and with the same he whipped his big clasp-knife from his pocket. As the steel flashed before the mermaid's eyes she slipped from him and swam slowly away, but as she went she sang, and the words floated back to Lutey mournfully yet threateningly.

"It's the jumps, Bill," gasped the other, "the 'orrors they've got me and no mistake. As I'm a livin' man, as I was a shovin' of that there truck, I saw a imp a gashly imp, Bill, stick its hugly 'ed over the side and say, 'Tommy, it ses, jest like that it ses, 'Tommy, I wants you! I dursn't go near it, Bill. I'll get leave, and go 'ome and lay up it glared at me so 'orrid, Bill, and grinned ugh!

"They'm gashly things, rats, an' I shouldn't think as no good piskeys would turn into varmints like them." "More should I. But something better than rats came to see me last night, Joan. Guess who it was." "I dunnaw." "Why, you came!" "Me, Mister Jan! You must a bin dreamin'!" "Yes, of course I was; but such a lovely dream, Joan!

"Put up them gashly things, Abraham Chown," said the miller sternly. "Doan't 'e knaw Blanchard better 'n that?" "Handcuffed he'll be, whether he likes it or not," answered the other; "an' if theer's trouble, I bid all present an' any able-bodied men 'pon the premises to help me take him in the Queen's name."

Death's a sight better than a soft head an' a lifetime o' dirt an' drivelling an' babbling, like the brainless beasts they feed an' fatten in asylums. That's worse cruelty than any I be gwaine to suffer at human hands to be mewed in wan of them gashly mad-holes wi' the rack an' ruins o' empty flesh grinning an' gibbering 'pon me from all the corners o' the airth.

"Does he seem to dread it much?" asked Eve, the sickly fears which filled her heart echoed in each whispered word. "Not that he don't," said Joan, lifting her hand significantly to her throat: "'tis after. Oh, Eve," she gasped, "ain't it too awful to think of their cuttin' up his poor dead body into bits? Call theyselves doctors!" she burst out "the gashly lot!