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"'Oh, it's that dear Lady Hemily, says I, 'and that lazy raskle of a husband of hers. Blodder. "I turned gashly pail. The table the guests the Countiss Towrouski, and the rest, weald round & round before my hagitated I's. IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER AND Huncle Bill. She is a washerwoman at Healing Common, and he he keeps a wegetable donkey-cart. "Y, Y hadn't John, the tiger, igscluded them?

"And the crew?" said Eve, wincing under Captain Triggs's figurative language. "Awh, the crew's right enuf a set o' gashly, smudge-faced raskils that's near half Maltee and t' other Lascar Injuns. Any jail-bird that flies their way 'ull find they's all of a feather. But here," he added, puzzled by the event: "how's this that you'm still mixed up with Adam so?

We've thought some of the Hot Springs, but I don't know. It's a great responsibility and a body wants to go cautious. Is Hildebrand about again, Mrs. Gashly?" Mrs. G. "Yes, but that's about all. It was indigestion, you know, and it looks as if it was chronic. And you know I do dread dyspepsia. We've all been worried a good deal about him.

She thought it a pity that they had to be such changed and dreary creatures on occasions of state. The first call Laura received from the other extremity of the Washington aristocracy followed close upon the heels of the one we have just been describing. The callers this time were the Hon. Mrs. Oliver Higgins, the Hon. Mrs. Peter Gashly, Miss Gashly, and Miss Emmeline Gashly.

'Took aboard what? I cried. 'One fourteen-hand dapple-grey rocking-horse, with pure green rockers and detachable tail, pair gashly glass eyes, complete set 'orrible grinnin' teeth, and two bloody-red nostrils which, protruding from the brown papers, produced the tout ensemble of a Ju-ju sacrifice in the Benin campaign. Do I make myself comprehensible? 'Perfectly. Did you say anything? I asked.

By all that is hirsute and gashly! I cry, taking off my furr'd cap, and twisting it round my finger I would not give sixpence for a dozen such! Top and bottom I detest it, I hate it, I repudiate it I'm sick at the sight of it 'Tis all pepper, garlick, staragen, salt, and

"Yes, sir, something awful gashly, in the dark end, sir." "Bah!" cried the doctor. "There, go and get your stable lanthorn and we'll see. Helen, my dear, we've got a ghost in the old stable loft: like to come and see it!" "Very much, papa," said Helen, smiling in a way that put Peter on his mettle, for the moment before he had been ready to beg off.

Gashly produced the challenge, and having watched Miss Mapp off to the High Street at half-past ten, Dominic and Gashly went together to her house, to see if Withers could supply anything of importance, or, if not, a nutmeg grater.

"I've been intending to call sooner, Miss Hawkins," said the Hon. Mrs. Oreille, "but the weather's been so horrid. How do you like Washington?" Laura liked it very well indeed. Mrs. Gashly "Is it your first visit?" Yea, it was her first. All "Indeed?" Mrs. Oreille "I'm afraid you'll despise the weather, Miss Hawkins. It's perfectly awful. It always is. I tell Mr.

Gashly, his cook, and while they were putting the bloodiest construction on these inscriptions, their conference was interrupted by the return of Captain Puffin in the highest spirits, who, after a vain search for the challenge, was quite content, as its purport was no longer fraught with danger and death, to suppose that he had torn it up. Mrs.