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Updated: September 19, 2024

Set it on again with the broth, adding a quarter of a pint of sherry or Madeira, a large onion, half a tea-spoonful of cayenne, a bit of lemon peel, two anchovies, some sweet herbs, eighteen oysters chopped fine, a tea-spoonful of salt, a little nutmeg, and the liquor of the oysters. Cover it close, and simmer it three quarters, of an hour. Serve with forcemeat balls, and hard eggs in the tureen.

Béchamel is another sort of fine white stock, thickened with cream, there is more flavouring in this than the former, the stock is made of veal, with some of the smoked meats used in English kitchens, butter, mace, onion, mushrooms, bay leaf, nutmeg, and a little salt.

These bowls, ladles, and the charming little egg-shaped boxes which formerly contained a nutmeg and a tiny grater are household table furnishings of exceptional interest.

Fry the steaks of a fine brown, and put them into a stewpan; drain the cucumbers, and put them over the steaks. Add some sliced onions, pepper and salt; pour hot water or weak broth on them, and stew and skim them well. LAMB STEAKS BROWN. Season some house-lamb steaks with pepper, salt, nutmeg, grated lemon peel, and chopped parsley: but dip them first into egg, and fry them quick.

Stir to a cream; then add one glass of wine and some flavoring and a little nutmeg; then pour in a small cup boiling water and set on the stove in a pan or kettle of water and keep hot until served. From MRS. M. D. THATCHER, of Colorado, Lady Manager. When all is quite firm, turn out on a dish and serve with whipped cream around the pudding.

233. =Rice Candle.= Mix an ounce of ground rice smoothly with a little cold water, and stir it into a pint of boiling water; boil it for fifteen minutes, and then sweeten it to taste and flavor it with nutmeg. Use it warm or cold.

From MRS. PHOEBE M. HARTPENCE, of Ohio, Chairman Committee on Woman's Work, Lady Manager. One cup molasses; one cup sour milk; one cup suet, chopped fine; one cup raisins; one-half cup currants; two and one-half cups flour; one teaspoonful soda. Mix well, salt and spice to taste, and steam two hours. Dressing Mix one heaping tablespoonful flour and two of sugar; add to these grated nutmeg.

Then put it into a stone Pan to cool, and strain away the herbs; and when it is cold, put in one quart of honey, and mix it very well; then put to it one Nutmeg, a little Cinnamon; Cloves and Ginger; some Orange and Limon-peels. Then boil and scum it very well, while any scum will rise.

A quarter of a pound of fresh butter, or a pint of cream. A quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar. Half a glass of wine and brandy mixed. Half a glass of rose-water. A tea-spoonful of mixed spice, nutmeg, mace and cinnamon. Stew some pumpkin with as little water as possible. Drain it in a colander, and press it till dry. When cold, weigh half a pound, and pass it through a sieve.

Let stand a fortnight, drain off the resultant brine then, scald the nuts in strong vinegar, let stand hot, but not boiling, for twenty minutes, then drain, and pack in jars, putting between the layers, a mixture of cloves, alspice, black and red pepper, in equal quantity, with half as much mace, nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Strew in a very little salt, and a little more sugar.

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