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Updated: September 12, 2024

13. =Boiled Cod with Oyster Sauce.= Lay two pounds of cod in enough cold water to cover it, with a tablespoonful of salt, for an hour or more before cooking; then put it to boil in three quarts of cold water, with two tablespoonfuls of salt; as soon as the fish is done, set the kettle containing it off the fire, and let the fish stand in it until you are ready to use it; meantime put a pint of oysters on the fire to boil in their own liquor; as soon as they boil drain them, and put the liquor again on the fire to boil; mix together in a sauce-pan over the fire one ounce of butter and one ounce of flour, as soon as it bubbles, gradually pour in the boiling oyster liquor, and stir with an egg whip until the sauce is quite smooth; season with half a teaspoonful of salt, an eighth of a saltspoonful of pepper, and the same of nutmeg; and add the oysters.

Shred a cabbage very thin; sprinkle with salt and cook in as little water as possible until tender. Then add some milk and let boil. Add a tablespoonful of butter mixed with flour, some mace and white pepper to taste. Let boil up and serve hot. Spanish Fried Fish. Season and slice red fish; roll in flour and fry until brown.

112. =Leg of Mutton with Caper Sauce.= Put a leg of mutton, weighing about six pounds, on the fire in enough boiling hot water to cover it; boil it for five minutes, skimming it as often as any scum rises, then pour in enough cold water to reduce the heat to about 160° Fahr., season with a tablespoonful of salt, and simmer the meat at that heat until it is tender, allowing about twenty minutes cooking to each pound of meat; if turnips are to be served with it as a garnish, choose them of equal size, pare them smoothly, and boil them with the mutton; if the vegetables are cooked first take them up without breaking, and set them back off the fire, in a little of the mutton stock, to keep hot.

Set the bowl in which it was beaten into a pan of boiling water, and allow it to melt slowly. Just before serving but not before, pour into it slowly half a cup or four spoonfuls of boiling water, stirring to a thick foam. Grate in nutmeg, or use a teaspoonful of lemon essence, and if wine is liked, add a glass of sherry or a tablespoonful of brandy.

The latex that oozes from the grooves is a pure white, sticky fluid resembling milk; about a tablespoonful is obtained each day from each tree. In each cup is a little water to prevent the latex from coagulating and sticking to the bottom.

Pare the egg plant and cut in very thin slices; sprinkle each slice with salt and pepper; pile them evenly; put a tin plate over them and on this stand a flatiron to press out the juice. Let stand one hour. Beat an egg lightly and add to it a tablespoonful of boiling water; dip each slice first in this and then in bread crumbs.

Have a covered saucepan for this purpose. One lined with porcelain will be best. Take a quarter of a pound of the best fresh butter, cut it up, and mix with it about one tablespoonful of flour. When it is thoroughly mixed, put it into the saucepan, and add to it half a teacupful of hot water. Cover the saucepan and set it in a large tin pan of boiling water. Then let it rest till it boils up.

Make a batter, at night, of a pint of water or milk, a teaspoonful of salt, and half a teacupful of yeast; in the morning, add to it one teacupful of thick, sour milk, two eggs well beaten, a level tablespoonful of melted butter, a level teaspoonful of soda and flour enough to make the consistency of pancake batter; let stand twenty minutes, then bake.

Drain 1 can of mushrooms; chop 6 shallots very fine and sauté in 1 tablespoonful of butter. Add the chopped mushrooms; sprinkle with salt, pepper, some chopped parsley and 1 minced bay-leaf. Let cook ten minutes with 1/2 glass of sherry wine. Serve hot on slices of French toast. Turkish Soup. Season and fry some lamb chops; add 2 green peppers sliced thin, 1 onion chopped and an herb bouquet.

Slice boiled potatoes thin; chop some onion very fine; slice 2 hard-boiled eggs and mix. Sprinkle all with salt and pepper. Then heat some vinegar. Add a teaspoonful of made mustard and stir with the beaten yolk of an egg. Mix all together with 1 tablespoonful of hot butter and chopped parsley. Serve with cold meats. French Baked Omelet.

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