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Updated: January 6, 2025

Add very gradually three table-spoonfuls of vinegar, rub it with the other ingredients till thoroughly incorporated, and cut up the white of the egg to garnish the top of the sallad. Let the sauce remain at the bottom of the bowl, and do not stir up the sallad till it is to be eaten. This sauce is equally good with cold meat, cold fish, or for cucumbers, celery, and radishes.

Dish a broiled chicken on a hot plate, putting a large lump of butter and a tablespoonful of hot water upon the plate, and turning the chicken two or three times that it may absorb as much of the butter as possible. Garnish with parsley. Serve with poached eggs on a separate dish. It takes from thirty to forty minutes to broil a chicken well. Prepare the chicken as for fricassee.

Garnish with slices of lemon and parsley. To be eaten cold. Take a sole or fillets of any delicate fish. Lay on a fireproof dish, sprinkle with white pepper, salt and a little shalot, cover with claret or white wine, and let it cook in the oven till done. Draw off the liquor in a saucepan and let it boil up. Put all together in a bowl. Little by little add the hot sauce, stirring all the time.

Arrange the fillets in a platter on a napkin, one overlapping the other; garnish with parsley and send to the table with a boat of tomato or white sauce. Cover the bottom of a baking dish with about two tablespoonfuls of butter cut into bits. On top of this, very thin slices of Swiss cheese. Break over some fresh eggs. Dust with salt and pepper.

Rub one tablespoonful flour with same quantity of butter and add slowly one cup rich milk or cream at the boiling point. Season with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and enough tomato juice to color a shrimp pink. Stir in the shrimps and when hot pour over small squares of toast arranged on a warm platter. Garnish with sliced lemons. From MRS. WILSON PATTERSON, of Maryland, Alternate Lady Manager.

You may garnish it with sliced Lemon and pickled Barberries. To make a Fricassee of Sheeps Trotters. Clean them very well from the Hair; then wash them in Vinegar and Water; then take out the Bones, and boil them in Salt and Water with a little Lemon-Peel. When they are hot, give them either of the following Sauces. For a white Sauce, take the following: viz.

They were something more than polite; they were considerate in a way which showed their thoughtfulness to be deeply grounded in habitual action. They used slang, but they used it as a garnish, not as a habit of speech. Expressions which she had read in books, but had never before heard spoken, flowed from their lips.

Garnish your dish as before. To Collar a CALF'S HEAD to eat hot.

Garnish your dish with shred lemon and pickles. To dress Rabbets to look like MOOR-GAME.

Then cut your Sturgeon in Slices cross-ways, about three quarters of an Inch thick, seasoning them with Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg and Lemon-Peel grated, till your Pye is full, and on the Top lay on Pieces of Butter; then close it, and put in, just before it goes to the Oven, some White Wine and Water; and when it is bak'd, serve it: garnish it with sliced Lemon, or Orange.

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