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'Twas clear, they said, that him no blade of the brave could touch, how keen soever, or cut away that battle-hand bloody from baneful foe. THERE was hurry and hest in Heorot now for hands to bedeck it, and dense was the throng of men and women the wine-hall to cleanse, the guest-room to garnish.

Then bake it in a quick Oven, and when you serve it, pour on some strong Gravey, and garnish with Lemon sliced, red Beet-Root pickled and sliced, and some fry'd Oysters, and fry'd Bread. To make Spirit of Lilley of the Valley. From Norway. N.B. This serves in the room of Orange-Flower-Water, in 'Puddings, and to perfume Cakes; though it is drank as a Dram in Norway.

Buy a potato cutter at a first-class hardware store, and with it cut the potatoes to the size of a hickory nut, and then fry or steam them. When cooked they look just like new potatoes. They are especially nice to garnish meats. You may also parboil and brown in fat, or boil and add parsley as you would with new potatoes.

The leaves, which are highly aromatic, are used, especially in France and England, for seasoning and for mixed salads. Chervil is rarely used alone, but is the chief ingredient in what the French call fines herbes, a mixture which finds its way into a host of culinary concoctions. The best variety is the Curled, which, though it has the same flavor as the plain, is a prettier garnish.

Heat some dripping in a large saucepan; add the prawns, 1 chopped onion, salt, pepper and 1 teaspoonful of curry-powder. Add 1 pint of stock and let simmer half an hour until tender. Serve on a border of boiled rice; garnish with fried parsley. Swiss Steak. Season a round steak with salt, black pepper and paprica; dredge with flour and let fry in hot lard on both sides until brown.

Endive is of the same nature as chicory, the leaves being curly. Prepare the dressing the same as for tomato salad; cut the celery into bits half an inch long, and season. Serve at once before the vinegar injures the crispness of the vegetables. Garnish by slicing another egg and laying over the lettuce. This is sufficient for a moderate-sized dish of lettuce.

Nature gives us her example, and the man who should affect contempt for the ephemeral splendor of beauty with which we garnish our brief days, would lose sight of the intentions of Him who has put the same care and love into the painting of the lily of an hour and the eternal hills. But we must not fall into the gross error of confounding true beauty with that which has only the name.

This is very nice to serve with a meat course, and also nice for the garnish of a fruit salad. This will serve six persons. 2 ripe pineapples or 1 quart can of grated pineapple 1 quart of water 1-1/2 pounds of sugar Juice of two lemons Pare the pineapples, remove the eyes, and grate the fruit into the water.

Arrange on a bed of crisp lettuce leaves and pour over each tomato a tablespoon of thick boiled dressing. Take two cups of cold, cooked Lima beans, two stalks of chopped celery, one dozen chopped olives, one teaspoon of onion juice, one teaspoon of salt, and a dash of red pepper. Mix thoroughly and serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing and garnish with green and red peppers cut in squares.

When cold cut it into slices, and garnish it with pickled barberries, fresh parsley, or any other approved article. SLICES OF COD. To boil slices of codfish, put plenty of salt into some spring water. Boil it up quick, and then put in the fish. Keep it boiling, and skim it very clean. It will be done sufficiently in eight or ten minutes. Some small pieces may be fried and served round it.