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A form, ere long, followed the hand. Monsieur emerged from his eclipse; and producing himself on the front of his estrade, and gazing straight and fixedly before him at a vast "mappe-monde" covering the wall opposite, he demanded a third time, and now in really tragic tones "Est-ce la tout?"

"Oh! now I'm sure it's you," replied Seymour, laughing "that's your old trick do you not recollect the boy that Captain McElvina took off the wreck?" "Ah mon ami Seymour, I believe midshipman, I believe," cried Debriseau. "Est-ce donc vous? "And how is it that you have been on board of a French man-of-war?"

Her "Bon jour, Monsieur," was as cordial as ever; and it even seemed to me and that didn't in the least tend to compose me that her eyes sparkled with an archness which I had never seen in them before, and that her voice had in it a tinge of malice, as she held out to me two of her finest bunches, saying, "Est-ce que, Monsieur en desire deux encore ce soir?"

'Is it the good Lord, or is it merely the devil, that makes me always have a weakness for rascals? I told him it was the devil. I was not a priest then. I could not be so sure with my answer now." And then Padre Ignacio repeated Auber's remark in French: "'Est-ce le bon Dieu, oui est-ce bien le diable, qui veut tonjours que j'aime les coquins? I don't know! I don't know!

Est-ce qu'il y'ait quelque chose qui vous ait diverti? Faites-moi le plaisir de me l'indiquer. J'aime beaucoup les ridicules." Parliament is up at last. We official men are now left alone at the West End of London, and are making up for our long confinement in the mornings by feasting together at night. On Wednesday I dined with Labouchere at his official residence in Somerset House.

And so another noble beast that was he is seen approaching, presumably to claim his share of the combing and clipping and of whatever other favours may be forthcoming. Another time when, I suppose, I was again letting him wait for an answer, he writes from Düsseldorf: "DEAR BOBTAIL, Est-ce que tu te donnes le genre de m'oublier par hazard?

Then he told me another amusing thing: At a ball at the Tuileries he said to a young American whose father he had met: "J'ai connu votre pere en Amerique. Est-ce qu'il vit encore?" And the young man, embarrassed and confused, answered, "Non, sire; pas encore." "It is so good," the Emperor said, "to have a laugh, especially to-day. All the afternoon I shall be plunged in affairs of state."

How stupid it was of Fraulein not to let the matter drop, without saying anything more! Instead of this she held up her hands and exclaimed: "Est-ce possible? Do I onderstand? Nozing? You have not brought nozing for Jean's jour de fete? But perhaps I do not onderstand?" It was so irritating to see her standing there waiting for an answer, that Mary, never very patient, lost her temper completely.

Reuter vous prie de vouloir bien conduire la petite de Dorlodot chez elle, elle vous attend dans le cabinet de Rosalie la portiere c'est que sa bonne n'est pas venue la chercher voyez-vous." "Eh bien! est-ce que je suis sa bonne moi?" demanded Mdlle. Henri; then smiling, with that same bitter, derisive smile I had seen on her lips once before, she hastily rose and made her exit.

Al giorno di grasso, un mezzo pollo ovvero un piccolo boccone d'arrosto; al giorno di magro un piccolo pesce; e di poi andiamo a dormire. Est-ce que vous avez compris? Redma dafir Soisburgarisch, don as is gschaida.