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I only know three phrases of English, and a few words: par exemple, de sonn, de mone, de stares est-ce bien dit? My opinion is that it would be better to give up the thing altogether: to have no English examination, eh?" "If Madame consents, I consent." "Heartily?" "Very heartily." He smoked his cigar in silence. He turned suddenly.

One even put his arm over his eyes as a child does. I wondered vaguely why they were crying; it never dawned on me it had anything to do with me. "Complètement coupée," I heard one say, and quick as a shot, I asked, " est-ce que c'est qu'est coupé?" and those tactful souls, just rough soldiers, replied without hesitation, "La jaquette, Mademoiselle."

Fate that eventful night was on the side of the bold Englishman. The French were expecting a convoy of provisions, and the sentinel called out, "Passe!" Another sentry, more suspicious, ran down to the water's edge, and asked, "Pourquoi est-ce que vous ne parlez plus haut?" The captain replied with wonderful coolness, "Tais-toi, nous serons entendus!" an answer which satisfied the guard.

"Eh bien!" et ce disant il braquait un pistolet sur Lord Berkeley "je suis un de ces voleurs, et je suis seul; je vous demande la bourse ou la vie." "Chien couard," crie Lord Berkeley, "crois-tu donc me tromper? Est-ce que je ne vois pas tes complices cachés derrière toi?"

Torches came, flaming high at the edges of the crowd, flaming wan and lurid on hundreds of black faces. "Il va pour gagner sa couronne Qui est-ce que suit dans son train?" "A crusade!" Simpson suddenly shouted. "It is a crusade!" Yells answered him. Somewhere a drum began, reverberating as though unfixed in space; now before them, now behind; now, it seemed, in the air.

And the naive, big Major, bewitched by the child, subsided into soft contact with her, and they almost tearfully embraced. A waiter sedately replaced a glass which Alice's drooping, negligent hand had over-turned, and wiped the cloth. G.J. was silent. The whole table was silent. "Est-ce de la grande poésie?" asked Christine of G.J., who did not reply.

To her surprise, however, no one seemed to respond to her feelings; and as the party rose from the breakfast-table, she took an opportunity to ask an explanation of Eve, in a little 'aside. "Est-ce que je me suis trompée, ma chere?" demanded the lively Frenchwoman. "Is not this la célébration de votre indépendance?"

I retired to a window-seat, and taking a book from a table near, endeavoured to read. Adele brought her stool to my feet; ere long she touched my knee. "What is it, Adele?" "Est-ce que je ne puis pas prendrie une seule de ces fleurs magnifiques, mademoiselle? Seulement pour completer ma toilette." "You think too much of your 'toilette, Adele: but you may have a flower."

Les jeunes messieurs anglais sont plus spirituels que les jeunes messieurs suisses, n'est ce pas, Monsieur Egger?" "En effet, madame," muttered the teacher, nervously arranging his books. "Monsieur Egger," exclaimed Mrs. Tootle, with a burst of good humour, "est-ce vrai ce qu'on dit que les Suisses sont si excessivement sujets a etre chez-malades?" The awful moment had come.

L'individu empoche l'argent, s'en va, et en s'en allant est-ce qu'il ne donna pas un coup de pouce par-dessus l'epaule, comma ca, au pauvre Daniel, en disant de son air delibere: Eh bien! je ne vois pas qua cette grenouille ait rien de muiex qu'une autre.