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When the divine Olivia had ended, there was a momentary pause; and Clarke, meditating no doubt on the advantages of which he had been deprived, and to the enjoyment of which every man feels he has a right, directing his remark to me, suddenly exclaimed 'What would I give now if I understood all that these ladies were saying as well as you do! 'Est-ce donc que Monsieur scait parler Francois?

This reminds me of poor Blucher's note to the landlord in Paris: PARIS, le 7 Juillet. Monsieur le Landlord Sir: Pourquoi don't you mettez some savon in your bed-chambers? Est-ce que vous pensez I will steal it?

He wound me up and I began singing; but everything went wrong. I sang snatches of well-known songs, cadences, trills, arpeggios, all pele- mele, until my exhibitors were in despair. "Mais, c'est terrible," cried Voguee. "Ne pouvez-vous pas l'arreter? Est-ce qu'il n'y a pas de vis?" "Il n'y a pas le moindre vice, Monsieur," shaking his head in despair. Then I stopped short.

The Countess watched Mr. Farnley's mystified look, and whispered to Sir John: 'Est-ce qu'il comprenne le Francais, lui? It was the final feather-like touch to her triumph. She saw safety and a clear escape, and much joyful gain, and the pleasure of relating her sufferings in days to come.

If in any way I think less of Napoleon Bonaparte now than I did, let me at least admit that a more punctual, obliging, willing man I never talked with. He came in two minutes. "He's on the line now," they said. I took up the receiver, trembling. "Hello!" I called. "Est-ce que c'est l'Empereur Napoleon a qui j'ai l'honneur de parler?" "How's that?" said Napoleon.

The door, too, seemed embarrassed, opening an inch or two and then shutting again. "What's the matter?" said the little lady, addressing the door. " est mon cravatte lequel mon père m'avait envoyé de Koursk?" asked a female voice at the door. "Ah, est-ce que, Marie . . . que. . . Really, it's impossible . . . . Nous avons donc chez nous un homme peu connu de nous. Ask Lukerya."

We only wish for an equitable treaty, and this I hope we shall manage.... Est-ce qu'on ne vous verra pas durant les vacances? Mistress Ross est passee par Paris il y a huit ou dix jours; elle est venue me voir un instant; elle m'a paru tres bien portante. Bonne sante et bien des amities. July 22nd.

This reminds me of poor Blucher's note to the landlord in Paris: PARIS, le 7 Juillet. Monsieur le Landlord Sir: Pourquoi don't you mettez some savon in your bed-chambers? Est-ce que vous pensez I will steal it?