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She was an ingenious young woman, and the verbs I had to write as punishments were of the most elaborate and complicated nature Demander pardon pour Avoir Siffle comme un Gamin quelconque, Vouloir ne plus Oublier de Nettoyer mes Ongles, Essayer de ne pas tant Aimer les Poudings, are but a few examples of her achievements in this particular branch of discipline.

"Vouloir ce que Dieu veut est la seule science Qui nous met en repos." None of us can escape the play of contrary impulse; but as soon as the soul has once recognized the order of things and submitted itself thereto, then all is well. "Comme un sage mourant puissions nous dire en paix: J'ai trop longtemps erre, cherche; je me trompais: Tout est bien, mon Dieu m'enveloppe." January 28, 1881.

"Dans l'attente de votre reponse je vous prie, Monsieur le Gouverneur, de vouloir bien agreer mes salutations distinguees et mes remerciments anticipees." There is a very interesting letter from the Dixie professor of Ecclesiastical History, Cambridge, who asks Graham to collect for him whelks, limpets, periwinkles, snails, cowries, etc. Here is an extract from it

But her sad eyes, still fastened on the ground, Are governed with a goodly modesty, That suffers not a look to glance away, Which may let in a little thought unsound. Spenser. Vouloir ce que Dieu veut est la seule science Qui nous met en repos. Malherbe. At the end of those four weeks I was to be married to him, one day, quietly in church, and to go away.

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.

Ce n'est pas, croyez le bien, Monsieur, ce n'est pas ici pour nous une question d'interet personnel, c'est une question d'affection; vous me pardonnerez si nous vous parlons de vos enfants, si nous nous occupons de leur avenir, comme si elles faisaient partie de notre famille; leurs qualites personnelles, leur bon vouloir, leur zele extreme sont les seules causes qui nous poussent a nous hasarder de la sorte.

But for that day, at all events, the English had had enough of fighting: 'ils n'en avaient une vouloir' for more, as the old chronicler quaintly expresses himself. Riding back across the bridge which the citizens had in the meanwhile partially restored, Joan re-entered the city which her splendid courage had rescued from the English.

"Nous croyons que ce genre de plaisanterie consiste surtout dans des idees ou des tournures originales, qui tiennent plus au caractere qu'a l'esprit, et qui semblent echapper a celui qui les produit. "L'homme d'humour est un plaisant serieux, qui dit des choses plaisantes sans avoir l'air de vouloir etre plaisant.

"Ah! the nation that produced 'Le philosophe sans le savoir. And now it has added, 'Le philosophe sans le vouloir, and you have stumbled on him. What a life for an aged man! Fortunatus ille senex qui ludicola vivit. Tantalus handcuffed and glowering over a gambling-table; a hell in a hell." "Oh, Harrington! "Exclamations not allowed in sober argument, Zoe."

I say unique, but I can vouch that there is in existence at least one other soul which has lived through the same struggles, mental and moral, as Amiel. In your pathetic description of the volonte qui voudrait vouloir, mais impuissante a se fournir a elle-meme des motifs of the repugnance for all action the soul petrified by the sentiment of the infinite, in all this I recognize myself.