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Where, as in Milton's two epics, and Samson Agonistes, the personages are all supernatural or heroic, there is no room for the employment of knowledge of the world. Had Milton written comedy, like Moliere, he might have said with Moliere after he had been introduced at court, "Je n'ai plus que faire d'etudier Plaute et Terence; je n'ai qu'a etudier le monde."

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.

'You're a philanthropist, it seems. Yakov Petrovitch is right; for a man in your position it's something very peculiar. But now let's get to business. I'll explain to you what your duties will be. And as regards wages.... Que faites vous ici? added my grandmother suddenly, turning her dry, yellow face to me: 'Allez etudier votre devoir de mythologie.

"Je trouve que c'est une folie de vouloir etudier le monde en simple spectateur. * Dans l'ecole du monde, comme dans cette de l'amour, il faut commencer par pratiquer cc qu'on veut apprendre."* ROUSSEAU. * I find that it is a folly to wish to study the world like a simple spectator. * In the school of the world, as in that of love, it is necessary to begin by practising what we wish to learn.