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Updated: August 12, 2024

With one motion he replaced his musketoon at his back, and with another made his military salute to the young nobleman, and continuing to talk as he rode forward to join him "And, I trust," said he, "my own assurance, that I will be BON CAMARADO to your lordship in peace or in peril, during the time we shall abide together, will not be altogether vilipended in these doubtful times, when, as they say, a man's head is safer in a steel-cap than in a marble palace."

This then should be the rival of the false husband?" I nodded assent. "Por Dios, Senor; it is not to be wondered at that the canting heretico stood no chance in that game had it been played fairly. Your camarado is a magnificent fellow. I can understand now why the wild huntress had no eyes for our mountain-men here. No wonder she sighed for her far forest-home. Ay de mi, cavallero!

"For shame," he said, "gentlemen cavaliers, brawling together in so glorious a field of victory! Are you mad? Or are you intoxicated with the glory which you have both this day gained?" "It is not my fault, so please your Excellency," said Dalgetty. "I have been known a BONUS SOCIUS, A BON CAMARADO, in all the services of Europe; but he that touches a man under my safeguard "

And moving towards the speaker, we were for the first time face to face with the strong and gentle George Muncaster, who since stands in our little gallery of types as Whitman's Camarado and Divine Husband made flesh. I wish, Reader, that I could make you see his face; but at best I have little faith in pen portraits.

As to the fight now, mate, as to the fight, 'twas noble fight pretty work, and the ship well handled, as you must allow, camarado!" "Call it rather brutal butchery!" said I fiercely. "Aye, there it is again," quoth he; "it all lieth in the point o' view! Now in my view was my brother screaming amid crackling flames and a fair young woman in her living tomb, who screamed for mercy and found none.

Then I met Joe and I got it again, I got a thrill out of all his life and the big things it was made of. I got a great thrill out of the strike. Don't you remember how I talked three weeks ago when you were here? Dad was the Old and I was the New. I saw everything beginning. I read Walt Whitman's 'Open Road' and I felt like Joe's 'camarado. Well, and I kept on like that.

But, while returning to the camp-ground, calmer reflections arose, restraining him from the dastardly act, and deciding him to carry out the other alternative, already conceived, but kept back as a dernier ressort. "Sit down, camarado!" he says, addressing the adjutant on entering. "We must hold a court-martial, and that is too serious a ceremonial to be gone through without the customary forms.

"No, Antonio," he said, after making these reflections, "our enemies are the Wacoes themselves." "Master," replied Antonio, "I hope not." "I hope not, too, camarado. I had taken a fancy to our friends of but yesterday: I should be sorry to find them our foes but I fear it is even so."

I was but too glad to come away, and leave her to the care of Jose, who waits upon her. I could not bear to listen to her strange jabberings. I assure you, camarado, it robbed me of all desire to remain." "Oh," said Roblado, "that's nothing she'll get over it in a day or so. She still thinks herself in the hands of the savages who are going to murder and scalp her!

He walked back and forth for some minutes in an excited manner, and then, bursting into a loud laugh, he cried out, "Carrambo, comrade! you are a tactician! The great Conde himself would not have shown such strategy. Santisima Virgen! it is the very master-stroke of design; and I promise you, camarado, it shall have speedy execution." "Why delay? Why not set about it at once?"

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