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She didn't say a word at fust, seemed ruther took by surprise, and then, all of a sudding, she turned her head and looked up inter my face as sarcy as ye ever see anything, and says she, 'Do yeou think I'd ever merry a man with sech a horrid name as Mummychog? 'Is that all the objection you hev, Jinny? ses I. Ses she, ''Tis the greatest, I know of. Then ses I, 'There ain't no diffikilty, for my name aint Mummychog, and never was.

Whenever a person on the bank could speak to him he was invariably warned of the Fifteen Mile Falls. "Look Bout, straanger, fur them 'ere Fifteen Mile Falls. They'll jus' squeeze yeou sure'n daylight," was almost always the style of warning. Paul hauled up to question one man who looked like a waterman, concerning the falls.

"You bet I'm mad!" rejoined Marm Parraday, grimly, and smash! the axe went among the bottles on the shelf behind the bar. Every bottle containing anything to drink was a target for the swinging axe. Joe jumped the bar, yelling wildly. He was the first out of the barroom, but most of the customers were close at his heels. "Marm! Yeou air ruinin' of us!" yelled Lem.

"Who hired yeou tew dew this?" "Why on airth dew yeou travel this way fur instead of in a boat?" Paul could not stand the rapid fire system of the New Hampshire rustics, and with a pained expression on his face he, pulled silently out of hearing. The narrowing river brought him closer to the banks, and as he was forging ahead an old gentleman hailed him.

We're going to trounce your team to-morrow in handsome style. We won't leave you in shape to do any boasting for some time to come." "Yeou git aout!" shouted Gallup. "You couldn't beat us in a year with Frank Merriwell in the box. You ain't built right!" At this the ball players present joined Silence in a burst of laughter. "We'll rub it into ye, Mr. Gallup," said Mike McCann.

Yeou see, Miss Jane, my sister war born blind leastways, the fu'st thing they knowed of hit she war blind. Thar war four of us brats in the cabin, two brothers older'n me who got shot, 'n' her. I war the kid, ye mought say, 'n' when I war mighty small some-un took her off ter the blind school in the settlements. She only come back 'bout two year ago, 'n' fetched some blind books they'd give her."

In order to give you a show, I think we'll put in our second pitcher against you." "Yeou take my advice and put in the best pitcher yeou've gut. He won't be none too good." "You have a lot of confidence in your team." "I've gut confidence in Frank Merriwell. I know what he can do on the slab, and, with Bart Hodge behind the bat, he'll show yeou some twists and shoots that'll make ye blink."

Just before starting in the morning, an old gentleman met Boyton on the porch in front of the hotel and expressed real pleasure at meeting him in fact, claimed close acquaintanceship. The Captain was glad to meet an old friend and was inquisitive enough to ask where they had seen each other before. "Wall," the old fellow answered, "yeou remember w'en yeou crossed th' English channel?"

"It's a problem for one o' them smart detecatifs ye read abeout in the magazines one o' them like they have in stories. I read abeout one of 'em in a story. Yeou leave him smell the puffumery on a gal's handkerchief and he'll tell right away whether she was a blonde or a brunette, an' what size glove she wore! Haw! haw! haw! "This ain't no laughing matter, Walky," Mr.

I thought I was kinder showin' my nerve. Naow I know I didn't show much of anything but foolishness. Barney, I'm married. I've got one of the finest little women that ever stood in shoe leather. And the kid by gum! the kid's a ripper! Together me and yeou have made a pretty good thing in that railroad business. I was brung up on a farm in Vermont. It was called a pretty good farm, too.