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Updated: August 24, 2024

Hyar ter-day an' thar ter-morrer. Rides light. Two leetle Parrott guns is the most weight he carries." The idiot's eyes began to widen with slow and baffled speculation. "Whut w-whut ails him ter take arter Tangle-foot? W-w " his great loose lips trembled with unformed words as he gazed his eager inquiry from one to another.

"I think we're goin' ter ha' some fallin' weather in er day er two; sky looks ruther hazy, 'n' I heerd er rain-crow ter-day, 'n' ther's er circle roun' th' moon," observed Father Tyler as he entered, and hanging his hat on a convenient nail in a post, seated himself in the corner opposite his mother. "Ha' ye got th' fodder all in?" queried his wife, with much interest.

I want to ax you, was I sinnin'? I want to p'int you right hyeah to the Wo'd, as it are read out in yo' hyeahin' ter-day, 'Ef he sleep, he shell do well." The Rev. Elisha ended his sermon amid the smiles and nods and tears of his congregation.

"Hezekiah, we can't, we mustn't ter-day," she whispered. "There's such a crowd. Let's go home an' come when it's quieter." "But, Abby, we here, let's set down," Hezekiah finished helplessly. Near one of the outer doors Mr. Livingstone better known to his friends and the police as "Slick Bill" smiled behind his hand. Not once since he had left them had Mr. and Mrs.

Oh, Lizay, thar' never was nobody afo' would er done this yer fer me," Alston said, feeling that he would like to kiss the poor shoulders that had been scourged for him. Great tears gathered in his eyes, and he thought without speaking the thought, "My wife in Virginny wouldn't er done it." "So yer mus' lemme he'p yer ter-day," said Little Lizay. "I'll die fus'," he said in a savage tone.

I wanted a gray rig, like that Miss Ross had on, but I couldn't get none to fit, an' the young lady told me 't black was dredful fash'nable now, so I got this rig; an' 'twas lucky I did ter-day. What could she mean by this diversion? I was growing uneasy when she uttered the last words. 'Yes? I said feebly. 'I s'pose you wonder what I'm drivin' at? she queried.

Yer pappy use ter say I was er born worker, 'n' how he did use ter praise me fer bein' smart! 'n' that was sich er help! Somehow I've minded me of 'im all day ter-day of th' time when he logged Whitcombe's mill down on Fallin' Crick. 'Twas lemme see! Jeems Henry, ye're how ole?" "Fifty-two my las' birthday." "Well, that was fifty-one year ergo.

There was only the unwonted joy of pouring into sympathetic ears the story of things loved and lost things the very mention of which brought sweet faint echoes of voices long since silent. "There, there," broke off the little old woman at last, "how I am runnin' on! But, somehow, somethin' set me to talkin' ter-day. Mebbe't was that chair that's like yer father's," she hazarded.

The next day nothing noticeable occurred in the lives of these two slaves, except that Alston's basket fell yet behind: Mr. Buck acknowledged it was a "hunderd, but a mighty tight squeeze," while Little Lizay's had gained three pounds on the last weight. "Yer saved six lashes ter-day, Little Lizay," Alston said. He was evidently glad for her, and her hungry heart was glad that he cared.

'Where are you goin' now? asked Liza, looking at the slop-basin she was carrying. 'I was just goin' dahn into the road ter get some ice-cream for dinner. Father 'ad a bit of luck last night, 'e says, and 'e'd stand the lot of us ice-cream for dinner ter-day. 'I'll come with yer if yer like. 'Come on! And, already friends, they walked arm-in-arm to the Westminster Bridge Road.

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