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You don't know what a row's on. It's awful. Them fellers what captured Gable told a yarn about a gang o' bushrangers'n a terrible fight, an' swore Gable was the blood thirstiest of 'em all. The Yarraman Mercury printed a special paper this mornin', with all about the outbreak of a new gang o' bushrangers in great big type, an' every one's near mad about it, 'sept those what's laughin'.

"Now, little woman, you got up on the wrong side of bed to-day." On this particular morning he descended genial, rubbing cold, soap-exuding hands together. "Well, little woman! Good morning, daughter." "Ben, I'm at my row's end with Lilly. Something has got to be done or I can't stand it."

Every one said there was money in it; no one thought of the danger. If my wife and kids were only safe at home I wouldn't care so much. It's that that I'm thinking of. Can't we do this somehow without bringing on a row?" "The row's here now and growing worse every minute. His own bucks are ready for battle.

No matter what happens it's far better to know the worst; for then it may be remedied. I've heard my father tell of many a desperate case where only heroic treatment, as he called it, brought his patient through. We've just got to try it here, Jack, old fellow. Hello! what d'ye suppose all that row's about?"

Dryden and Row's manner, Sir, are quite out of fashion; our taste has gone back a whole century, Fletcher, Ben Johnson, and all the plays of Shakespear, are the only things that go down. 'How, cried I, 'is it possible the present age can be pleased with that antiquated dialect, that obsolete humour, those overcharged characters, which abound in the works you mention? 'Sir, returned my companion, 'the public think nothing about dialect, or humour, or character; for that is none of their business, they only go to be amused, and find themselves happy when they can enjoy a pantomime, under the sanction of Johnson's or Shakespear's name. 'So then, I suppose, cried I, 'that our modern dramatists are rather imitators of Shakespear than of nature. 'To say the truth, returned my companion, 'I don't know that they imitate any thing at all; nor, indeed does the public require it of them: it is not the composition of the piece, but the number of starts and attitudes that may be introduced into it that elicits applause.

See, that top row must come out after the whole of that layer which is arranged all over the top row's tails." "What! do their tails go right along the box, uncle?" I cried. "Yes, some of them, my boy. Be careful: those are very tender and delicate birds." I lifted one, and held it out to Uncle Joe, who came down from his seat to examine the glories of the bird I had in my hands.

Please don't let her know that I said she lived here. I did not mean to " "Dear me! I suppose you have the exclusive right to the lady's society that, knowing Miss Esther Carroll, she does not require any other friends!" Miss Row's sneering, sarcastic words brought the colour to Esther's cheeks and the tears to her eyes. "I didn't mean that," she stammered confusedly, bitterly hurt.

In short, I heard mysel, as I was led alang, charged wi' every crime that human wickedness is capable o', although I perceived that the robbery o' the mail, and the murders o' the guard and passengers, was the favourite and prevailing notion; a notion which, I presumed, had arisen frae the circumstance o' the row's havin had its origin in a coach office. Some reports hae been waur founded.

Stage driver has been blazing it all round town " "Stage driver's a liar," emphatically declared Brydges. "Been trying to get the news for an hour; the wires are cut. Can't get 'em by phone. Think I'll send a man up to-night with a photographer." "Oh, I wouldn't," drawled Bat sleepily. "It isn't worth it. I've just come down. Whole row's over. You can't get a dub in the Valley to open his mouth.

"Row's Embrocation, or arnica," the Captain was saying. "It is probably in this pantry, my good girl, because it is the last place I should expect it to be in. I left it on my bedroom mantelpiece, but somebody has seen fit to meddle with it. Why in the name of all that is mysterious can't you let my things alone?" "And for what should I be after moving it for?" Martha retorted.