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Indifferent then, by nature of constitution, to every other pleasure but that of increasing the lump, by any means whatever, she commenced a kind of private procuress, for which she was not amiss fitted, by her grave decent appearance, and sometimes did a job in the match-making way; in short, there was, nothing that appeared to her under the shape of gain, that she would not have undertaken.

At length she found in one corner of it a sharp sabre, and drawing up her sleeve to her elbow, she grasped the weapon, which she struck with such force at her false friend, who was reclining on a sofa, as to cleave the head of the abandoned procuress in two, and she fell down weltering in her blood, to rise no more.

Such a hateful excuse is verily to carry the Urim with its oracular gems into the very sty of sensuality, and to debase your religion into `a procuress to the lords of hell. I have done; but let me say, Hazlet, that your self-justification is, if possible, more repulsive than your sin."

The fellow, who was ugly, blind of one eye, and full of impudence, shewed me a score of pretty women, whose histories he told me, and seeing me to be interested in one of them he promised to bring her to a procuress. He kept his word, but he cost me dear; for the girl only served for an evening's amusement.

We have elsewhere described Louis XIV., but Louis XV., the Well-beloved, was perhaps the greatest profligate of the two. Madame de Pompadour, when she ceased to be his mistress, became his procuress.

In France the true ruler was Madame de Pompadour, once the King's mistress, now his procuress, and a sort of feminine prime minister. Machault d'Arnouville was at the head of the Marine and Colonial Department. The diplomatic representatives of the two Crowns were more conspicuous for social than for political talents.

I saw enter the south pavilion a tall lady in black, with the air of a royal procuress; and presently crossed the garden and disappeared in the pavilion a young Parisian girl, and then another and another, a flock of innocents, and I thought instantly of the dreadful Parc aux Cerfs at Versailles.

Whereto the lady made no answer, for she now understood the girl's temper; but, being minded to put her to the proof, she told her son that, as soon as he was recovered, she would arrange that he should be closeted with her in the same room, and be thus able to use all his arts to bring her to his will, saying that it ill became her to play the part of procuress and urge her son's suit upon her own maid.

Mary de' Medici vigorously replied once more that, although obliged to wink at the King's amours, she declined to be his procuress. Conde then went off to Milan very soon after the scene at the Nassau Palace and the removal of the Princess to the care of the Archdukes.

Only true religion Opening an abyss between government and people Opposed the subjection of the magistracy by the priesthood Outdoing himself in dogmatism and inconsistency Partisans wanted not accommodation but victory Party hatred was not yet glutted with the blood it had drunk Philip IV. Pot-valiant hero Power the poison of which it is so difficult to resist Practised successfully the talent of silence Presents of considerable sums of money to the negotiators made Priests shall control the state or the state govern the priests Princes show what they have in them at twenty-five or never Puritanism in Holland was a very different thing from England Putting the cart before the oxen Queen is entirely in the hands of Spain and the priests Rather a wilderness to reign over than a single heretic Religion was made the strumpet of Political Ambition Religious toleration, which is a phrase of insult Resolve to maintain the civil authority over the military Rose superior to his doom and took captivity captive Safest citadel against an invader and a tyrant is distrust Schism in the Church had become a public fact Secure the prizes of war without the troubles and dangers Seemed bent on self-destruction Senectus edam maorbus est She declined to be his procuress Small matter which human folly had dilated into a great one Smooth words, in the plentiful lack of any substantial So much in advance of his time as to favor religious equality Stand between hope and fear Stroke of a broken table knife sharpened on a carriage wheel Successful in this step, he is ready for greater ones Tempest of passion and prejudice That he tries to lay the fault on us is pure malice That cynical commerce in human lives The effect of energetic, uncompromising calumny The evils resulting from a confederate system of government The vehicle is often prized more than the freight The voice of slanderers The truth in shortest about matters of importance The assassin, tortured and torn by four horses The defence of the civil authority against the priesthood The magnitude of this wonderful sovereign's littleness The Catholic League and the Protestant Union Their own roofs were not quite yet in a blaze Theological hatred was in full blaze throughout the country Theology and politics were one There was no use in holding language of authority to him There was but one king in Europe, Henry the Bearnese Therefore now denounced the man whom he had injured They have killed him, 'e ammazato, cried Concini Things he could tell which are too odious and dreadful Thirty Years' War tread on the heels of the forty years This wonderful sovereign's littleness oppresses the imagination This, then, is the reward of forty years' service to the State To milk, the cow as long as she would give milk To stifle for ever the right of free enquiry To look down upon their inferior and lost fellow creatures Uncouple the dogs and let them run Unimaginable outrage as the most legitimate industry Vows of an eternal friendship of several weeks' duration What could save the House of Austria, the cause of Papacy Whether repentance could effect salvation Whether dead infants were hopelessly damned Whose mutual hatred was now artfully inflamed