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Few of them, indeed, could now boast of a "pig in the sty," a treasure which they had, till very lately, always possessed; yet they could occasionally purchase a pound of bacon or other meat, although at a very considerable increase in the price.

"The Rommany churl And the Rommany girl To-morrow shall hie To poison the sty, And bewitch on the mead The farmer's steed." "'Do you hear that, sir? said Mrs. Herne; 'the child has tipped you a stave of the song of poison: that is, she has sung it Christianly, though perhaps you would like to hear it Romanly; you were always fond of what was Roman. Tip it him Romanly, child."

It stood about five rods from the house, near the brook, just across which, and not thirty feet from the sty, was the edge of the dense natural forest.

Kit froze too. "Why?" "Because if you will give me your word that you do not know, I will let you go." Those eyes of his were terrible. "Will you give me your word?" The boy was pale as ice. Death in cold blood here on the quiet hillside death like a pig's in a sty.... Ugh!... "No, thank you." "Then prepare to meet your Maker."

"It must depend on your own future behavior," added Ulysses, "whether you do not find your way back to the sty." At this moment, the note of a bird sounded from the branch of a neighboring tree. "Peep, peep, pe wee e!"

It's little he's troubled to work or think, Wherever devotion leads him; A "pater" pays for his dinner and drink, For the Church good luck to her! feeds him. From the cow in the field to the pig in the sty, From the maid to the lady in satin, They tremble wherever he turns an eye. He can talk to the Devil in Latin!

"Ay," said Sanders, digging his fingers critically into the grunting animal; "quite so." "Grumph," said the pig, getting reluctantly to his feet. "Ou ay; yes," said Sanders, thoughtfully. Then he sat down on the edge of the sty, and looked long and silently at an empty bucket.

Thence we felt with our feet for the path across the fields, stumbled over a sty, and took our way through the black woods. I was at home here, and Nick was not to be frightened. At intervals the mournful bay of a bloodhound came to us from a distance. "Suppose we should meet the Congo chief," said Nick, suddenly. The idea had occurred to me.

I do not know whether it is not presumptuous, in the face of Miss Acton, Mrs. Rundle, and so many other authorities, not forgetting the great Alexis Soyer, to give "our method of curing" the last-mentioned dainties; but we think we may as well follow up the history of our pigs, from the sty to the kitchen.

All our spare spars were taken on board and lashed; our water-casks secured; and our live stock, consisting of four bullocks, a dozen sheep, a dozen or more pigs, and three or four dozen of poultry, were all stowed away in their different quarters: the bullocks in the long-boat, the sheep in a pen on the fore-hatch, and the pigs in a sty under the bows of the long-boat, and the poultry in their proper coop; and the jolly-boat was full of hay for the sheep and bullocks.