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I thought you were crippled? What are you tracking me for?" She threw down the spade, ran forward, and seized the girl's shoulder, while a scowl of mingled fear and rage darkened her countenance. "You are watching, trailing me like a bloodhound! Is it any of your business where I go?

I knew what Rube meant, for it was a well-known matter of boast of El Zeres that no one could ever escape him, for that his bloodhound would track them to the end of the world. 'There's only one thing to be done, I said; 'we must go back and kill that critter. 'Wait, Seth, Rube said; 'we don't know where the darned brute is kept.

Joseph Muller's character is a strange mixture. The kindest-hearted man in the world, he is a human bloodhound when once the lure of the trail has caught him. He scarcely eats or sleeps when the chase is on, he does not seem to know human weakness nor fatigue, in spite of his frail body.

Here lies Blondeau, Blondeau the Nose, Blondeau Nasica, the ox of discipline, bos disciplinae, the bloodhound of the password, the angel of the roll-call, who was upright, square exact, rigid, honest, and hideous. God crossed him off as he crossed me off." Marius resumed: "I am very sorry " "Young man," said Laigle de Meaux, "let this serve you as a lesson. In future, be exact."

I have been a bloodhound in the leash, hungering hungering for this thing, and the longing has piled up in me day by day. Sometimes it has been more than I could bear; and when the time was near, I was so wild that I was sick. The book! The book! Freedom and the book!

Back at Arden the Colonel and Dale, each with a high powered rifle, were mounting horses; and in town the sheriff was lifting a bloodhound to his buggy. With a silent hand-clasp Jane passed into the house, but Brent waited for a word with Bob. "The fellow must be quite crazy," he told this young planter, "so you ought to stay here with the girls. I'll meet the others, and tell you about it later."

"There's a bloodhound ranging Tinwald wood, There's harness glancing sheen: There's a maiden sits on Tinwald brae, And she sings loud between." Madge had no sooner received the catch-word, than she vindicated Ratcliffe's sagacity by setting off at score with the song: "O sleep ye sound, Sir James, she said, When ye suld rise and ride?

One by one, therefore, the men on guard had crept away and had assembled at the back to cheer the seaman's shot and to groan as the remaining canoe sped like a bloodhound down the river in the wake of the fugitives. But the savages had one at their head who was as full of wiles and resource as Du Lhut himself.

Belllounds tramped around the corral, and finally found the hound in question, asleep in a dusty hole. Kane was the only beautiful dog in the lot. If half of him was bloodhound the other half was shepherd, for his black and brown hair was inclined to curl, and his head had the fine thoroughbred contour of the shepherd. His ears, long and drooping and thin, betrayed the hound in him.

He would not sleep, and so lose something of his conscious peace, something of thinking about what was going to happen at the end. No, he must not sleep. The frantically joyous barking of a dog standing over him not at all like the deep baying of Frazier's bloodhound, woke the boy, and he tried to raise his head, but it fell back like lead.