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Updated: August 1, 2024

'Ef you don't take off dat hat en tell me howdy, I'm gwine ter bus' you wide open, sezee. "Tar-Baby stay still, en Brer Fox, he lay low. "Brer Rabbit keep on axin' 'im, en de Tar-Baby, she keep on sayin' nothin', twel present'y Brer Rabbit draw back wid his fis', he did, en blip he tuck 'er side er de head. Right dar's whar he broke his merlasses jug. His fis' stuck, en he can't pull loose.

"We has some merlasses now," one of the women told me, proudly. "Th' little bye he be allers a puttin' some on bread an' leavin' it on th' cheers." Daddy is calling me, so good by for the present. I am so glad the people of Sweetapple Cove interest you. Lovingly, HELEN. From Miss Helen Jelliffe to Miss Jane Van Zandt

Now, he's gwine ter know w'at it is ter eat co'n bread en merlasses once mo', en wuk fum daylight ter da'k, en ter hab a oberseah dribin' 'im fum one day's een' ter de udder. I means dat I sont wud ter Jeff dat Sunday dat you wuz gwine ter be ober ter Mars' Marrabo's visitin' dat ebenin', en you want i'm ter meet you down by de crick on de way home en go de rest er de road wid you.

"Here they come now," said Ben Stone, as two boys turned in at the gate of the yard; "and Phil has got the catching mitt with him. I'll bet they've been practicing this noon." "Jinks! but they're getting thick, them two," chuckled Chub Tuttle. "As thick as merlasses in Jinuary," drawled Sile Crane whimsically. "Being thick as molasses, they're naturally sweet on each other," chirped Cooper. "Hi!

He kin mek an ash cake or a hunk o' middlin' disappear 'bout ez fast ez the nex' one; an' when it comes to tacklin' a stack o' flitters seasoned with maple merlasses, he kin beat all creation, unless 'tis Tommy an' Buddy, an' the amount o' vittels them two shavers kin manidge to stow 'way is 'nough to mek a pusson think ther laigs is holler.

Now, every meal that I don't hev to speak to one of youse in the back row, youse kin hev merlasses spread on yer bread." The rehearsal supper finished and the kitchen "red up," Amarilly's thoughts again took flight and in fancy she winged her way toward a glorious future amid the glow and glamor of the footlights.

Run, Susan Jane, 'n' fetch er cloth ter wipe 'er face 'n' han's; they're that stuck up wi' merlasses, ter say nothin' o' dirt. Therey, therey, now! Mammy's gal don't want ter hev 'er face washed? Hu! tu! tu! Thaney mustn't cry so. Where's Jeff? Here, Jeff here, Jeff! Ole bugger-man, come down the chimbly 'n' ketch this bad gal. You'd better hush.

Lem yelled loud enough to be heard a block: "Not that barrel, Marm! For the good Land o' Goshen! don't bust in that barrel." "Why not?" demanded his breathless wife, the axe poised for the stroke. "Cause it's merlasses! If ye bust thet in, ye will hev a mess here, an' no mistake." "Jefers-pelters!" chuckled Walky Dexter, telling of it afterward, "I come away then an' left 'em erlone.

Heah th'ee er fo' weeks befo' he'd had a' easy job, waitin' on de w'ite folks, libbin off'n de fat er de lan', en promus' de fines' gal on de plantation fer a wife in de spring, en now heah he wuz back in de co'nfiel', wid de oberseah a-cussin' en a r'arin' ef he didn' get a ha'd tas' done; wid nuffin' but co'n bread en bacon en merlasses ter eat; en all de fiel-han's makin' rema'ks, en pokin' fun at 'im ca'se he be'n sont back fum de big house ter de fiel'. En de mo' Hannibal studied 'bout it de mo' madder he got, 'tel he fin'ly swo' he wuz gwine ter git eben wid Jeff en Chloe ef it wuz de las' ac'.

"Arrest me, will ye? When ye try it there won't be nothin' left of this town but a hole and some hollerin'." He walked right upon the store platform and into the store, and every one fled before him. Broadway cowered behind his counter. "Put me up a fig o' tobacker, a pound of tea, quart o' merlasses, ten pounds of crackers, hunk o' pork, and two cans of them salmons," he ordered.

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