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Updated: August 11, 2024

But Pottie sprang oot o' the coat it wasna ill to get ooten, puir chield an' doon the yaird a' he cud flee, wi' Sandy at his tail, whirlin' the hewk roond his heid, an' skreechin' like the very mischief. Bandy an' a' the rest cam' fleein' efter Sandy.

'Ye dinna think I can min' a' your havers, Shargar. Whaur was the comin' gentleman whan ye gaed to drink wi' a chield like that, wha, gin my memory serves me, ye tauld me yersel' was i' the mids o' a' his maister's deevilry? 'Yer memory serves ye weel eneuch to be doon upo' me, said Shargar.

'A bonny terrier that, sir, and a fell chield at the vermin, I warrant him; that is, if he's been weel entered, for it a' lies in that. 'Really, sir, said Brown, 'his education has been somewhat neglected, and his chief property is being a pleasant companion. 'Ay, sir? that's a pity, begging your pardon, it's a great pity that; beast or body, education should aye be minded.

'Up wi' him! cried Madge wi' the Fiery Face, who had just been loosed from the 'jougs, wherein she had been confined for 'kenspeckle incontinence. 'Up wi' the clarty callant! Let him swing like a corby craa i' a taty patch! But the canny wife of the Provost, douce man, plucked him by the sleeve. 'Dod! man, she whispered him in the ear, 'he's a braw chield for a' that.

But the father is a dour chield; depend upon it, he has bred up the young filly on the curb-rein, and that has made the poor thing start off the course. I should not be surprised that he took her abroad, and shut her up in a convent." "Hardly," replied Doctor Gray, "if it be true, as I suspect, that both the father and daughter are of the Jewish persuasion." "A Jew!" said Mrs.

Ye strike ower hard, Steenie I doubt ye foundered the chield." "Neer a bit," said Steenie, laughing; "he has braw broad shouthers, and I just took measure o' them wi' the stang. Od, if I hadna been something short wi' him, he wad hae knockit your auld hams out, lad." "Weel, an I win clear o' this scrape," said Edie, "I'se tempt Providence nae mair.

For it's just the gate o' a' mithers they would aye like to see their ain bairns gettin guid bargains. No that I would care a snuff for the lassie gettin a man wi' a hantle riches; but I would like to see her get ane that would ken how to guide her, and how to guide the warld too. Noo, Sandy is baith a canny and a carefu chield; and, if they dinna thrive, I'm sure it wouldna be his faut."

Now, Mac-Guffog, where did ye find this chield? Mac-Guffog, a stout, bandy-legged fellow, with a neck like a bull, a face like a firebrand, and a most portentous squint of the left eye, began, after various contortions by way of courtesy to the Justice, to tell his story, eking it out by sundry sly nods and knowing winks, which appeared to bespeak an intimate correspondence of ideas between the narrator and his principal auditor.

He was a daring chield, and he fought his ship till she blew up like peelings of ingans; and Frank Kennedy he had been the first man to board, and he was flung like a quarter of a mile off, and fell into the water below the rock at Warroch Point, that they ca' the Gauger's Loup to this day." "And Mr. Bertram's child," said the stranger, "what is all this to him?"

"Losh, Eppie," said Sam'l, "I didna think o' that." "Ye maun kin weel, Sam'l, 'at there's mony a lass wid jump at ye." "Ou, weel," said Sam'l, implying that a man must take these things as they come. "For ye're a dainty chield to look at, Sam'l." "Do ye think so, Eppie? Ay, ay; oh, I d'na kin am onything by the ordinar." "Ye mayna be," said Eppie, "but lasses doesna do to be ower-partikler."

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