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Updated: September 8, 2024

"Pereant illi qui ante nos nostra dixerunt," now, therefore, I do request by this instrument that all well-disposed persons will abstain from asserting or implying that I am open to any accusation whatsoever touching the said comparison, and, if they have so asserted or implied, that they will have the manliness forthwith to retract the same assertion or insinuation.

Two lines lower down he writes of "hereditary memory or instinct," thereby implying that instinct is "hereditary memory." Lower down on the same page he writes: "As showing how close is the connection between hereditary memory and instinct," &c. And on the following page:

Continence differs from temperance, as implying resistance to strong desires; whereas temperance implies that such desires are not active. Prudence but not the acuteness which is sometimes confused with prudence is incompatible with incontinence, which is least curable when the outcome of weakness. Here it becomes necessary to make some inquiry as to Pleasure and Pain.

"Oh, I had no idea!" she exclaimed, getting very red; and then, without a word of greeting, she reopened the piano. Cecil should have the Parsifal, and anything else that he liked. "Our performer has changed her mind," said Miss Bartlett, perhaps implying, she will play the music to Mr. Emerson. Lucy did not know what to do nor even what she wanted to do.

Hardy which perfections she now showed a disposition to magnify, as implying a certain distinction unto herself and ended with the confession that the West was not as bad as she had feared, and anyway it was a case of living here or dying elsewhere, so she would have to make the best of it. And here they were. And might they see a house? Conward appeared to be reflecting.

Such errors did occur sometimes, he said, implying that the North Western was an English railway, and that surprising things happened in England. He said, also, that Helen might telephone to Edinburgh and inquire. She endeavoured to act on this counsel, but came out of the telephone cabin saying that she could not get into communication with Edinburgh.

Shame is a term implying a feeling rather than a habit; like fear, it has a physical effect, producing blushes, and seems, in fact, to be fear of disrepute. To the young, it is a safeguard against vice; the virtuous man need never feel it; to be unable to feel it implies the habit of vice. Continence is not properly in the category of moral virtues. We come now to Justice.

The lady and gentleman to whom Jeff had reference were named Polk, but in speaking of white persons for whom he had a high regard Jeff always, wherever possible within the limitations of our speech, tacked on that final s. It was in the nature of a delicate verbal compliment, implying that the person referred to was worthy of enlargement and pluralization.

Randal delivered Riccabocca's note, which was very short, implying that he feared Peschiera had discovered his retreat, and requesting Lady Lansmere to retain Violante, whatever her own desire, till her ladyship heard from him again. The countess read, and her lip curled in disdain. "Strange!" said she, half to herself.

As all men know, however, the word is one capable of suggesting the possibilities of dreadful political crime; and it is not hard to see how, when employed by one person to describe the bestowment and acceptance of extraordinary power, implying a perfectly innocent proposition, it could be easily taken by another person as describing the bestowment and acceptance of unlimited power, implying a proposition which among us, probably, would always be a criminal one.

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