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He felt like that about her then, and she had thrown it all away. Now he looked upon her with loathing and disdain, and no wonder either there was nothing to be done. Presently, he took her hand again and placed it on his arm, as they walked through the long corridor, to the splendid hall, built by the brothers Adam, with its stately staircase to the gallery above.

In testimony of this attitude they coined for their oversea kindred numerous nicknames which were more expressive than complimentary. While the Creoles held most of the wealth and of the lower offices, the Spaniards enjoyed the perquisites and emoluments of the higher posts. Though objects of disdain to both these masters, the Indians generally preferred the Spaniard to the Creole.

While your servants fall butchered, and France rises round you in a tide of blood! Bah!" with a gesture of disdain "you make me also talk, and I have no love for talk, and small time. Mademoiselle, you at least act and do not talk. By your leave I return in an hour, and I bring with me shall it be my priest, or your minister?"

Smoking a Cavour, Munden lay back in the shadow of the pergola, and seemed to disdain reply. 'Your advice? 'What's the good of advising a man born to be fooled? Why, let the do her worst! Shergold winced. 'We mustn't forget that it's all my fault. 'Yes, just as it's your own fault you didn't die on the day of your birth! 'I must raise the offer 'By all means; offer ten thousand.

"No, no, no, no!" he said, again, with so much emphasis that the Lady of Meissen looked sharply again at him. "No," she said, with pretty disdain; "no, believe me, they may 'pretend' forever. They can never look like us! They imitate even our marks, but never can they look like the real thing, never can they chassent de race."

Why should the humble property of the Sisters be broken because this kind, fussy woman chose to upbraid? "You ask, Have I no pride?" she said. "Why should I have pride when Our Lord is so humble that He does not disdain to take for His bride the woman Richard Mildare has rejected?"

"'Twas a bet, I own," he said; "I heard too much of the mad beauty and her disdain of men not to be fired by a desire to prove to her and others, that she was but a woman after all, and so was to be won. I took an oath that I would come back some day with a trophy and this I cut when you knew not that I did it." She clutched her throat again to keep from shrieking in her impotent horror.

Jealousy is becoming to love; and I do not complain, though you are unjust and cruel toward me. The queen has much too cold and proud a heart ever to be loved by any man. Ah, only to think this is already treason to her virtue and modesty; and surely she has not deserved this from us two, that we should disdain and insult her.

Now, I had none of these, had even my temperament, broken by sickness and harassed by unlucky conjectures, permitted my appreciating them. I endeavored to call my wounded pride to my aid, and thought over the glance of haughty disdain she gave me as she passed on to her carriage; but even this turned against me, and a humiliating sense of my own degraded position sank deeply into my heart.

Certainly no emotions so rigidly reject critical restraints, and disdain to be bound by rule, as those excited by the fine arts. A man unimpressible and incapable of moods and tenses, is for that reason an incompetent critic; and the sensitive, excitable man, how can he know that he does not impose his peculiar mood as a general rule?

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