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At the church gates is the historical jougs, a place of penance for the neck of detected sinners, and the historical louping-on stane, from which Dutch-built lairds and farmers climbed into the saddle. Here Prince Charlie slept before the battle of Prestonpans; and here Deacon Brodie, or one of his gang, stole a plough coulter before the burglary in Chessel's Court.

'Up wi' him! cried Madge wi' the Fiery Face, who had just been loosed from the 'jougs, wherein she had been confined for 'kenspeckle incontinence. 'Up wi' the clarty callant! Let him swing like a corby craa i' a taty patch! But the canny wife of the Provost, douce man, plucked him by the sleeve. 'Dod! man, she whispered him in the ear, 'he's a braw chield for a' that.

All I want to know is, have you any reason to think this part of Scotland and incidentally the government of this and every well-governed realm, as the libels say would be bettered by the examination of this man? Eh?" MacTaggart protested the need was clamant. "On the look of the man I would give him the jougs," said he. "It's spy "

It chanced once upon a time that a fellow was caught committing some petty theft, and, being taken in the manner, was sentenced by the Bailie M'Wheeble of the jurisdiction to stand for a certain time in the baronial pillory, called the jougs, being a collar and chain attached to the uppermost portal of the great avenue which led to the castle.