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When he took the letter from her, though, she called him a low, vulgar fellow for presuming to address a lady. She worked herself into a fury, and said far worse than that; a perfect guller of clarty language came pouring out of her. He had heard women curse many a time without turning a hair, but he felt wae when she did it, for she just spoke it like a bairn that had been in ill company.

'Up wi' him! cried Madge wi' the Fiery Face, who had just been loosed from the 'jougs, wherein she had been confined for 'kenspeckle incontinence. 'Up wi' the clarty callant! Let him swing like a corby craa i' a taty patch! But the canny wife of the Provost, douce man, plucked him by the sleeve. 'Dod! man, she whispered him in the ear, 'he's a braw chield for a' that.

"I say nothing about the disgrace you have brought on this house," the warper began without emotion, "for it has been a shamed house since afore you were born, and it's a small offence to skail on a clarty floor. But now I've done more for you than I promised Jean Myles to do, and you had your pick atween college and the herding, and the herding you've chosen twice.

Forby that, I could not let my son mix with their bairns for fear they should teach him the vulgar Thrums words and clarty his blue-velvet suit. I'm thinking you have to dress your laddie in corduroy, Esther, but you see that would not do for mine. So no more at present, and we all join in compliments, and my little velvets says he wishes I would send some of his toys to your little corduroys.