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"Hout man! hauld your clavers, we shall a' be lairds here," said a third; "and ye maun wait a muckle time before they wad think aucht of you at hame." I was not a little amused at the extravagant expectations entertained by some of our steerage passengers. The sight of the Canadian shores had changed them into persons of great consequence.

I suppose they were the usual professors and doctors and ministers who are wont to walk up and down the Edinburgh streets, with a sprinkling of lairds and leddies of high degree and a few Americans looking at the shop windows to choose their clan tartans; but for me they did not exist.

But farmers and farming lairds could well quit their lands unless in the beginning of July, when the June hoeing of turnips and beans had been got through, the first grass cut, and while there was still a good three weeks before barley-harvest. Trees were then dusky in their green, and gooseberries and currants tinted the Priorton gardens with rich amber and crimson.

But what he gained in purse he lost in honour, for such agricultural and commercial negotiations were very ill looked upon by his brother lairds, who minded nothing but cock-fighting, hunting, coursing, and horse-racing, with now and then the alternative of a desperate duel.

What I have, therefore, chiefly to record as the memorables of this year, are things of small import the main of which are, that some of the neighbouring lairds, taking example by Mr Kibbock, my father-in-law that was, began in this fall to plant the tops of their hills with mounts of fir-trees; and Mungo Argyle, the exciseman, just herried the poor smugglers to death, and made a power of prize-money, which, however, had not the wonted effect of riches, for it brought him no honour; and he lived in the parish like a leper, or any other kind of excommunicated person.

"Port! na, na! ye maun leave port and punch to the like o' us, it's claret that's fit for you lairds; and, I dare say, nane of the folk ye speak so much o' ever drank either of the twa." "Do you hear how absolute the knave is? Well, my young friend, we must for once prefer the Falernian to the vile Sabinum."

"Port! na, na! ye maun leave port and punch to the like o' us, it's claret that's fit for you lairds; and, I dare say, nane of the folk ye speak so much o' ever drank either of the twa." "Do you hear how absolute the knave is? Well, my young friend, we must for once prefer the Falernian to the vile Sabinum."

In the Charter-room there was a remarkable large shin-bone, which was said to have been a bone of John Garve , one of the lairds. Dr. Johnson would not look at it; but started away. We are not angry at a soldier's getting riches, because we see that he possesses qualities which we have not.

Then, greatly to his own benefit, he succeeded in establishing a valuable connection with Templandmuir. It was partly by sheer impact of character that Gourlay obtained his ascendency over hearty and careless Templandmuir, and partly by a bluff joviality which he so little cunning in other things knew to affect among the petty lairds.

Du Croc remonstrated, "but the Lords answered they could not stop the mouths of ministers to speak against themselves." There was a convention of Protestants in Edinburgh on October 20, but lords did not attend, and few lairds were present.

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