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And Alphonse, quite indifferent to the vulgar: "He! mais pensez donc au Papa, Monsieur Henri-Richie, sans doute il a une sante de fer: mais encore faut-il lui menager le suc gastrique, pancreatique . . . ." 'Ay, ay! laughed my father; 'what sets you thinking of Alphonse? 'I suppose because I shall have to be speaking French in an hour. 'German, Richie, German.

Worked a little, not much. June 2. Do. Do. Dined at Baron Hume's. These dinners are cruelly in the way, but que faut-il faire? the business of the Court must be done, and it is impossible absolutely to break off all habits of visiting. Besides, the correcting of proof-sheets in itself is now become burdensome. Three or four a day is hard work. June 3. Wrought hard.

"Ha ha ha! Ha ha!" laughed Tom hilariously. "Stolen plunder! That's good! D'ye think I'd steal when I can buy! Reverend sir, Tom o' the Gleam is particular as to what he smokes, and he hasn't travelled all over the world for nothing: 'Qu'en dictes-vous? Faut-il

Jack Marche heard of these things but saw little of them. The great war wave rolling through the provinces towards the Rhine skirted them at Saint-Lys, and scarcely disturbed them. They heard that Douay was marching through the country somewhere, some said towards Wissembourg, some said towards Saarbrück. But these towns were names to the peasants of Saint-Lys tant pis for the two towns! And General Douay who was he? Probably a fat man in red breeches and polished boots, wearing a cocked-hat and a cross on his breast. Anyway, they would chase the Prussians and kill a few, as they had chased the Russians in the Crimea, and the Italians in Rome, and the Kabyles in Oran. The result? Nothing but a few new colours for the ribbons in their sweethearts' hair like that pretty Magenta and Solferino and Sebastopol gray. "Fichtre! Faut-il gaspiller tout de même! mais,

The general situation was summed up finally in a serio-comic manner in a song which, if it then brought down the house, afterward drew severe criticism upon the thoughtless heads of author and performers: Oui, cette terre Hospitaliere Un jour sera, c'est moi qui vous le dis, Pour tout le monde L'arche feconde Des gens de coeur et des colons hardis. Que faut-il donc pour cesser nos alarmes?

"Moi, de cinq ours la souveraine, Qui leur donne et present des lois, Faut-il que je sois

Ferrall's pretty face impressed between both her hands, and looking her mischievously in the eyes, she whispered: "'Comme vous, maman, faut-il faire? Eh! mes petits-enfants, pourquoi, Quand j'ai fait comme ma grand' mère, Ne feriez-vous pas comme moi?" "O Lord!" said Mrs. Ferrall, "I'll never meddle again and the entire world may marry and take the consequences!"

Je suis votre malade-ne, Et sur la casse et le sene, J'ai des notions non communes. Nous sommes de mene metier; Faut-il de moi vous defier, Et cacher vos bonnes fortunes?" Was there ever such a turn given to taking physic! "Que la veine hemorroidale De votre personne royale Cesse de troubler le repos! A kittenish grace in these things, which is pleasant in so old a cat.

He began to mutter, holding his sabre above his head, and the men took up the savage chant, standing close together in the road: "'Ça ira! Ça ira!" It was the horrible song of the Terror. "'Que faut-il au Républicain? Du fer, du plomb, et puis du pain! "'Du fer pour travailler, Du plomb pour nous venger, Et du pain pour nos frères!"

"Oui," answered Sitgreaves, "faut-il attendre longtemps?" "Mais non, monsieur, un petit moment. Elle habite en face. Je vais envoyer le garçon la chercher tout de suite. Et pour monsieur, votre ami?" "Je ne desire rien," I replied. Marcel bowed humbly.... "Comme monsieur voudra." Then a doubt assailed him. "Peut-être que la petite Polonaise vous suffira