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You will not betray me, will you? You, having a defenceless girl's secret, will not turn upon her and use it? S'il me plait de le cacher, mon secret; pourquoi le donnerai je? Je l'aime, mon pauvre pere, voyez-vous? I would rather live with that man than with you fades intriguers of the world. I must have emotions it m'en donne. Il m'ecrit.

Near the trail, and overlooking it, a high mountain rises out of the plain. It is the Pinon. It was our design to reach this mountain, and "cacher" among the rocks, near a well-known spring, until our enemies should pass; but to effect this we would have to cross the war-trail, and our own tracks would betray us. Here was a difficulty which had not occurred to Seguin.

We cannot touch the Pinon spring without leaving our marks too plainly; and it is the very place where the war-party may make a halt." "I sees no confoundered use in the hul on us crossin' the paraira now. We kan't hunt buffler till they've passed, anyways. So it's this child's idee that a dozen o' us 'll be enough to `cacher' in the Peenyun, and watch for the niggurs a-goin' south.

We wished to pass their country without being seen; and it was our intention, when daylight appeared, to "cacher" among the rocks until the following night. As dawn advanced, we halted in a concealed ravine, whilst several of us climbed the hill to reconnoitre.

Having crossed the bridge spanning the great gorge into which the sun never penetrates even at midday, the party emerged into the broader streets of the more modern town, and, turning to the right through a high gateway, found themselves in a barrack yard of the Guardias Civiles. 'Le plus grand art d'un habile homme est celui de savoir cacher son habilete.

I know'd it wud be no joke gruppin' one o' them by the leg, but I made up my mind to try it; an' I lay down jest as afore, close up to the calf. 'Twur no go. The cunnin' things seed the float stick, an' kep clur o' the karkidge. I wur a-gwine to cacher under some bush that wur by, an' I begun to carry it up, when all of a suddint I tuk a fresh idee in my head.

He knows these diggin's better'n any o' us; an' he oughter know whur to cacher, I reckin. He's did that, I'll be boun'." "Ay, if he would," said I, thinking that Seguin might have followed the captives, and thrown away his life recklessly. "Don't be skeert about him, young fellur. The cap ain't a-gwine to put his fingers into a bee's nest whur thur's no honey; he ain't."

'Mais oui, Madame. Il faudrait le cacher un peu. 'Padding? Tiens! j'en ai deja. But if Mathilde were to put any more, there would be nothing else. One day, Marie, you see, there will be only my clothes left to walk about by their little selves! She smiled. The maid said nothing. She was on her knees buttoning her mistress's shoes. 'Now then fini!

A cache is a term common among traders and hunters, to designate a hiding-place for provisions and effects. It is derived from the French word "cacher", to conceal, and originated among the early colonists of Canada and Louisiana; but the secret depository which it designates was in use among the aboriginals long before the intrusion of the white men.

Je suis votre malade-ne, Et sur la casse et le sene, J'ai des notions non communes. Nous sommes de mene metier; Faut-il de moi vous defier, Et cacher vos bonnes fortunes?" Was there ever such a turn given to taking physic! "Que la veine hemorroidale De votre personne royale Cesse de troubler le repos! A kittenish grace in these things, which is pleasant in so old a cat.