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Old Widger would sometimes say, "They Germans be cunning!" or "Us'll 'ave to 'it a bit 'arder avore us knocks 'un out!" but Old Widger never imagined for a moment that "'un," as he always called the Kaiser, would not sooner or later get knocked out, and so he went on with his work, pausing now and then to say, "'Er's a reg'lar cunnin' old varmint, 'er be!" almost with as much admiration as if he were talking of a fox or an otter that had eluded the hounds many times.

Bewlah larfed, but I didn't mind her doin' on't, for she sez, sez she, real sort o' cunnin', "'Poor Hiram! they didn't use yeou waal. Yeou ought to hev tried some er the poor an' humly girls; they'd a' been glad an' grateful fer such a sweetheart as yeou be.

It fell sort of flat, that remark. But no one could calculate on his infernal cunnin'. I quit workin' for Belllounds that night, an' I've put my time in spyin' on the boy. In my day I've done a good deal of spyin', but I've never run across any one slicker than Buster Jack. To cut it short he got himself a white-speckled mustang that's a dead ringer for Spottie.

Wait just a moment, I didn't see these !" "This one was in the ten-cent box, but it's marked five, and that lady says that there were some just like it for five. If it's five, I want it!" "Aren't these cunnin', Lou?" "Yes, I noticed those, did you see these, darling?" "I want this one I want these, please, will you give me this one?" "Are you going to be open at all to-morrow?"

He was talking half under his breath, murmuring to himself as if it helped him to see clearly the situation that must be faced. "But to get to him that's the trouble. I saw a big door go shut in that stone floor. They're cunnin', clever beasts; I'll say that for 'em. And there was a raft of 'em; and plenty more down in hell where they live, I've no doubt."

"Ay," said Sanders reluctantly. "I'm dootin' I'm sair dootin' she's but a flichty, light-hearted crittur after a'." "I had ay my suspeecions o't," said Sanders. "Ye hae kent her langer than me," said Sam'l. "Yes," said Sanders, "but there's nae gettin' at the heart o' women. Man, Sam'l, they're desperate cunnin'." "I'm dootin't; I'm sair dootin't."

Howland went to her room, where she fell fast asleep, and Maggie had the drawing-room to herself. She had arranged a sort of extempore bed on the hard sofa, and was about to lie down, when Tildy opened the door. "I say," said Tildy, "ain't he cunnin'?" "What do you mean, Matilda?" said Maggie. "Oh my," said Tildy, "wot a 'arsh word!

No, hang 'em, they know'd I'd have beat 'em at that I must have beat 'em I can't help beating 'em, I tell you. But they was too cunnin for me. That rascal Blackland got the bones out, and we played hazard on the dining-table. And I dropped all the money I had from you in the morning, be hanged to my luck.

"Solomon came to where I was breaking some dry sticks for the fire and said laughingly, as he wiped a tear from his cheek with the back of his great right hand: "'Did ye ever see sech a gol' durn cunnin' leetle cricket in yer born days ever? "Always thereafter he referred to the boy as the Little Cricket.

"Don't look much as if we'd thrown th' cunnin' devils off our trail, does it?" Ham grumbled, as our little company again started on their journey. "'Pears like as if we'd had all our trouble for our pains so far. Wal, they didn't git th' skin map; but it shows they shore could have got it, if they'd knowed whar it was," and his face clouded.