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You gave me three splendid opportunities to stick a gun in your back and I could have made others. And," he added with a smile, "if I had thought that you were a bootlegger or a crook of any other kind, I'd have had you in Las Vegas jail by this time. You're no more a crook than I am. You've got neither the looks nor the actions of a slicker. I may say I know you pretty well "

His jaw was squared, his lips pressed tight, as he guided his horse into the winding foothills of the range. In a narrow cañon he dismounted and undid his slicker pack. When he again tied it behind the saddle it contained the bag which held the bank notes he had taken that morning. He pushed on in the early afternoon. He now rode with more caution.

Nesbitt was just going to court, so he told me to call up a garbage man and get the rubbish removed. "I didn't know the garbage men from the ministers, and they weren't classified in the directory. So I went to Mr. Orchard, a youngish sort of man, very pleasant, but slicker than Nesbitt himself. "I said, not too amiably, 'Who are the garbage haulers in this town?

Harum, "I couldn't 'a' done it slicker myself, an' I don't know nobody that could." "Guess you must 'a' felt a little ticklish yourself," said Dick sympathetically, laughing as usual. "Wa'al, you better believe," declared the other. "The' was 'bout half a minute when I'd have sold out mighty cheap, an' took a promise fer the money.

The wind had died away, but the rain continued, torrential in its downpour, and the mountains grumbled with dying thunder. The town was blotted out, and fifty feet ahead of the hissing nose of the launch Alan could see only a gray wall. Water ran in streams from his rubber slicker, and Olaf's great beard was dripping like a wet rag.

For just about a full half day, I had the best of him, and several times he was out of sight in the main body of the herd. But he always dropped to the rear, and finally the slicker lost its charm to move him. In fact he rather enjoyed having me fan him with it it seemed to cool him.

I mean the one that owned a theater with Shakespeare. But Richard Burbage didn't feed like talkin' that evenin'. I reckon Moller didn't know nothin' about Richard Burbage, and was frightened that Doc would ask him something that he couldn't answer. There ain't nobody slicker than them fake fellers. It's their business.

A broken kitchen knife had been thrust through a bit of the paper on the box. He read this next: Your hoss is known. So I'm leaving you one in place of the pinto. He goes good and he dont need no spurring but when you come behind him keep watching your step. your pal, LARRY LA ROCHE. Blankets and slicker, money, horse. A flask of whisky stood on another slip of the paper.

The pair watered their horses, loosened their saddle-cinches, and permitted the animals to graze with reins dangling. Rathburn took his slicker pack from the rear of his saddle and spread it open on the ground. "Reckon it's safe to build a small fire here?" he asked cheerfully. "I'm powerful hungry, an' I've got some emergency provisions being trail-broke."

When he had hunted down the elusive lead-pencil he moistened it on his tongue and set to work deliberately to draw on the slicker. The result of his work was simply a square. "That," he said, "is Steve's house." Moistening the pencil again, he drew another square, somewhat smaller, so that it just touched the other square corner to corner. "That's the kitchen," he explained.