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Updated: August 28, 2024

Andy came in from a late lecture one afternoon, to find open the door of his room he had left locked, as he thought. At first he supposed Dunk was within, but entering the apartment he saw Link Bardon there. The helper arose as Andy came in and said, rather embarrassedly: "Mr. Blair, I'm in trouble." "Trouble!" exclaimed Andy. "What kind?" "Well, I need money.

It hasn't been tarnished by man's touch before. I don't know how it strikes you, boys, but it seems to me that of all gifts that are going it is the straightest. For whether we deserve it or not, it comes to us first-hand from God!" The two men glanced quickly at the speaker, whose face flushed and then smiled embarrassedly as if ashamed of the enthusiasm into which he had been betrayed.

Endicott, a mist upon his own glasses at parting from his beloved baby, saw the boy's face as it were the face of an angel; and was half startled, turning away embarrassedly as though he had intruded upon a soul at prayer; then looked again. "Come, son!" he said almost huskily. "It's over! We better be getting back. Step in." The ride back to the office was a silent one.

"Sure, I've got it down. Well, I'll be off then!" But Johnny was not off. He hesitated a moment, turning very obviously to Maria Angelina, who stood silent upon the doorstep, and it was Barry who took himself suddenly off around the corner of the cabin, with a plate of scraps for the vociferous Sandy. Embarrassedly Johnny muttered, "I say, Ri-Ri, I'm sorry." Her expression did not change.

Clint somewhat embarrassedly crowded on to a corner of the bed and Amy perched himself on an arm of the Morris chair. A smallish, clever-looking fellow across the room said: "You're a punk introducer, Amy. Thayer, my name's Marvin, and this chap is Hall and the next one is Edwards, and Still you know, and then comes Ruddie, and Black " "Red and Black," interpolated Amy.

He smiled benignly. "Changed my mind," said Harrigan. "Nora, Molly, I want you to meet Mr. Courtlandt. I don't know that I ever said anything about it, but his father was one of the best friends I ever had. He was on his way up here, so I came along with him." Then Harrigan paused and looked about him embarrassedly. There were half a dozen unfamiliar faces.

I should like to shake hands with you," she added; and bending down, she held out her firm white hand. Then Orme laid his hand on the life-saver's shoulder. "You've done a piece of good work to-night," he said. Porter laughed embarrassedly. "I only ran the boat for you," he began. "You took me at my word," said Orme, "and that's a good deal in such a case. Good-by.

The customs were simple: Certain hours for arrival, for lunch, for leaving; women's retiring-room embarrassedly discovered to be on the right behind the big safe; water-cooler in the center of the stenographers' room. But the office prejudices, the taboos, could not be guessed. They offered you every possible chance of "queering yourself."

Or was it a leg pull on a highly elusive proposition, where big sums and the vastness of space seem to match? Hell I'm getting mixed up again..." Dave Lester had wandered off embarrassedly, there in the warehouse. But now he returned, clearing his throat for attention. "Fellas," he said. "Helen and I want you to come out to our apartment, now, for dinner."

Seems to me, sir, if the book is missing, you'd better ask that 'someone' about it." "Um; yes; maybe." Mr. Daley blinked embarrassedly. "I er I thought that perhaps you had brought down your French composition and had possibly, in leaving, taken up Upton's book with your own by mistake. You er you're quite sure that didn't happen, Edwards?"

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