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But Susan did not laugh, and there was a pause. Peter's face grew red. "Did did Miss Thornton get home all right?" he asked. Susan knew he was at a loss for something to say, but answered him seriously. "Quite, thank you. She was a little at least I felt that she might be a little vexed at my leaving her, but she was very sweet about it." "She should have come, too!" Peter said, embarrassedly.

"I want her always," he said grimly, aloud to himself. A boy's head appeared at the door. "Woman to see you, sir," said he. "Who?" "Mrs. Grandoken." "Show her in," and Theodore stood up. Peggy came in embarrassedly. She had a mission to perform which she very much disliked. "Good morning, Mrs. Grandoken," said Theodore, holding out his hand. "Good morning, sir," said Peg, flushing darkly.

He said I was to give it to to to Mrs. Bradley." He paused, glancing embarrassedly from the one to the other. "I'm Mrs. Bradley," said the prettiest one, with a laugh. He handed her the letter. It ran as follows: "DEAR BRADLEY Put Mr. Mainwaring through as far as he wants to go, or hang him up at The Lookout, just as he likes.

He stopped embarrassedly. "Can't hear a word you say," said Del, shaking her head decisively. "You've got my deaf ear. Speak louder, or come closer." But here the instruction suddenly ended, once and for all time!

There was not the least gayety, recklessness, or spontaneity in the action; it was simply mechanical bravado. It was so ineffective, even upon her own feelings, that her arms presently dropped to her side, and she coughed embarrassedly. "Where's that whiskey, pardner?" she asked.

He took off his coat and threw it across her shoulders, and was startled by the contact of her warm flesh. "I can not thank you in words," she said faintly. "Don't. Pshaw, it was nothing. I would have gone " He stopped embarrassedly. "Well?" Perhaps it was coquetry which impelled the query; perhaps it was something deeper. He laughed.

He will sit for hours together poring over the work of some African explorer, and upon two occasions I have found him setting up in bed at night reading Carl Hagenbeck's book on men and beasts." The boy's mother tapped her foot nervously upon the hearth rug. "You discourage this, of course?" she ventured. Mr. Moore shuffled embarrassedly.

"It isn't a question of bravery," he replied, a bit of color charging under his skin. Elsa was amused. "And, pray, what question is it?" He was like a boy. "I'm afraid of making myself obscure. This world is not like your world. Women over here. . . Oh, I've lost the art of saying things clearly." He pulled at his beard embarrassedly. "I rather believe I understand you.

Wrenn embarrassedly passed large groups of pretty girls. He felt very light and insecure in his new gun-metal-finish pumps now that he had taken off his rubbers and essayed the slippery floor. He tried desperately not to use his handkerchief too conspicuously, though he had a cold.

The colonel reached embarrassedly for his pipe, lighted it, puffed a few minutes, then laid it down. "India is full of strange tongues and strange kingdoms and principalities. Most of them are dominated by the British Raj, some are only protected, while others do about as they please.