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Now you come up, won't ye?" "I will call some evening with my brother," said Wayne embarrassedly. "With which?" demanded McGee. "My brother Arthur. We usually spend the evenings together." McGee paused, leaned against the doorpost, and, fixing his clear eyes on Wayne, said: "Ef it's all the same to you, I'd rather you did not bring him. You understand what I mean?

But it was a nice dream. And I think, considering all that's come and gone, you needn't begrudge it to me." "I don't," said Marjorie embarrassedly. "I I only wish you wouldn't talk about it, because it partly makes me feel as if my feelings were hurt, and partly makes me feel terribly self-conscious." "Then perhaps it was you, a little," said Francis quietly.

As though about to speak, he opened his lips, and then laughed embarrassedly. "Out with it," said Dolly, with an encouraging smile. "Did he win?" Seeing she had read what was in his mind, Carter leaned forward eagerly. The ruling passion and a touch of superstition held him in their grip. "He 'win' each time," he whispered. "I saw it as plain as I see you.

Yet it was obvious that the young man's unaffected cordiality had heartened him immensely. "Well, you see, my dear boy," he began, embarrassedly, "by that time I had met her she was so sweet to me from the start and I began to hope that such heroic, such painful, measures might not be necessary.

"No, no Skeet," Barbara laughed embarrassedly. "Mr. Cummings was just joking. He'll not be here Saturday night." "I'll come back for it," hand in pocket. "It's a masquerade " Barbara hesitated. "Bring my costume with me from San Francisco." "I'm not sure " again Barbara hesitated; Skeet cut in on her, "Why, Barbie Wallace! It's what you came to Santa Ysobel for the Bloss. Fes. ball.

"You called Christ our alumnus the other night," reminded the literal youth solemnly. "So I did," acknowledged Allison embarrassedly. "Well, I guess you're right. But I don't know much about that kind of line." "I'm afraid there don't many of us," put in the bashful president. "I wouldn't hardly know who to appoint on such a committee. There's only two or three like to pray in our meetings.

I was only thinkin' that if you didn't 'tend ter haulin' in so many other folks's ships, yours might get in sooner." "Why, John! Nonsense! I I love to haul in other folks's ships," laughed the girl, embarrassedly. "Yes, Miss; I know you do," grunted John. Billy colored. "No, no that is, I mean I don't do it very much," she stammered.

"Oh, but I didn't," she laughed a little embarrassedly. "You're at home now, and you have all your old friends, and " "But they're not you. There's not any one like you," cut in the youth fervently. "And now you're going to stay a long time, aren't you?" "Y-yes, several weeks, probably." "Good! And you'll come every day to see me?" "W-well, as to that-"

My father has been a friend of the Commander's all his life. She knew, that we believed in all their principles. There were only a very few outsiders, those whom they knew well, allowed to go with them. I was one." "Well," said Laurie, eyeing her almost embarrassedly, "You girls made a great name for yourselves with your doughnuts and your pies.

She turned away coldly as she spoke, but moved slowly and in the direction of the hill, although she took a less direct trail than the one she had pointed to him. But he followed her, albeit still embarrassedly, and with that new sense of respect which had checked his former surliness.