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Updated: August 7, 2024
They were not at all bashful there was no blushing no tears, and, on the contrary, marriage appeared to be considered as an excellent joke, and the laughing and flirtation were carried on to the church door. The padres appeared to be almost worshipped by the poor natives, who, on their arrival and departure, respectfully saluted their hands.
After some bashful hesitation, Frank took courage, and read. A long silence followed. Little Hattie on the lounge was crying. "But you ought to keep this for I make the promise to you," he said, reflecting that he had used his own Testament to write in. "No, you are to keep it," said his mother, "for I'm afraid we shall remember your promise a great deal better than you will."
The refined and bashful girl became brusque, supercilious, equivocal. When sympathizing friends said that they had also lost lovers, she laughed and told them to look for new ones. There were better fish in the sea, etc., etc. Soon she found herself abandoned, in spite of a full banking account. People had dropped her, right and left. The years went by.
Elam Hunt, she gave the bashful student frequent opportunities to speak his mind; and when, at last, he ventured in private to tell her of the flame which warmed his breast with a gentle glow, quite unlike that fervent heat by which the hearts of more impassioned, worldly-minded swains are apt to be tortured and consumed, she assuaged his pangs of doubt by encouraging assurances of her countenance and favor.
"It is enough," he added, "to make one who has good opportunities for education hang his head in shame." All this, including the whole of the letter, was published in the newspapers, with eulogistic comments, in which the student was spoken of as the "Learned Blacksmith." The bashful scholar was overwhelmed with shame at finding himself suddenly famous.
It was a better tavern than we were used to, and I was a little bashful when I inquired if a man with a black beard was stopping there, and was told that there were several. "What's his name?" asked the clerk. "'E's a hunchback," said Bill I had been too diffident to describe him so. "Mr. Wisner, of Southport, Wisconsin," said the clerk, "has a back that ain't quite like the common run of backs.
He saluted all the company with a benignity which had a touch of the majestic, and also of the rustic in it; for at heart the Doctor was a bashful man, that is, he had somewhere in his mental camp that treacherous fellow whom John Bunyan anathematizes under the name of Shame.
Now, we'll go into the house, and see what we can get for supper." He was surprised to see that Paul hung back, and seemed disinclined to follow. "What's the matter?" asked Mr. Stubbs, in surprise. "Why don't you come?" "Because," said Paul, looking embarrassed, "I've got no money." "Well, I have," said Mr. Stubbs, "and that will answer just as well, so come along, and don't be bashful.
"But you didn't know that I was connected with the matter, did you?" "Never you mind me when you belong to the association you will know as much as I do. I'll give you the credit of saying that the job you undertook was well conducted, and only failed through the old fellow's shrewdness. Now drive on, and don't be bashful."
I'm bashful speshul of girls; for I soon discovers that it's easier to face a gun than a girl, an' the glance of her eye is more terrifyin' than the glimmer of a bowie. That's the way I feels. It's a fact; I remembers a time when my mother, gettin' plumb desp'rate over my hoomility, offers me a runnin' hoss if I'd go co't a girl; on which o'casion I feebly urges that I'd rather walk.
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