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My mother always used to say: 'A girl should never go about empty-handed, and should be ready to climb over three fences to pick up a feather. And yet she must be calm and steady in her work, and not rush and rampage about as if she were going to pull down a piece of the world. And when she speaks and answers you, notice whether she is either too bashful or too bold.

"Ah, a woman's bashful blushes, what an exquisite sight!" cried the king, and while he wildly pressed Catharine to his bosom, he continued: "Oh, are we not foolish and short-sighted men, all of us, yes, even we kings? "Burnet's History of the Reformation of the Church of England." "Come, Kate, give me a kiss.

The Captain's face grew red, like a bashful woman's. He thought Blecker had divined his secret, would haul it out roughly in another moment. If this slang-talking Yankee should take little Lizzy's name into his mouth! But the Doctor was silent, even looked away until the heat on the poor old bachelor's face had died out.

Claire enters softly, the paper ostentatiously displayed in her hand. But he looks straight at the blushing, bashful, tear-stained face. Her eyes, half glad, half shy, wholly tell-tale, fall before his own. And the lover who has waited in patience for his opportunity, seizes it now and makes it a moment of victory. "I have brought you good news, Dr. Vaughan."

The fact that they were squeezed four in a seat which was meant to accommodate only three, served to dampen their enthusiasm not a trifle. Mrs. Nelson, riding in front with the bashful driver, vainly sought to engage him in conversation. After repeated failures she settled down to enjoy the ride in silence. A dozen yards or so ahead of them Andy Rawlinson and Mr.

It is true I have read of love at first sight, and I am merely waiting to be told whether or not this is an instance of it." "Oh, you are very diffident, aren't you, sitting there so bashfully!" "I may seem timid or bashful, but it's merely sleepiness." "You're a bit of a humbug, Dorothy." "Why?" "I don't know why, but you are. No, it was not a case of love at first sight.

Do you have anything to add to your story?" "No, sir." He was not adding that "sir" to curry any favor; it came naturally when one answered Kelgarries. "But you have some questions?" Ross met that with the truth. "A lot of them." "Why don't you ask them?" Ross smiled thinly, an expression far removed and years older than his bashful boy's grin of the shy act.

It was a trying moment to the bashful child; but, remembering that they were her kinsmen come to welcome her, she tried her best to return the greeting cordially. This impressive ceremony being over, the Clan broke ranks, and both rooms instantly appeared to be pervaded with boys.

Alan Howard been a bashful young man of the type that reddens and twists its hat in big nervous hands and looks guilty in general. Miss Helen Longstreet would have been swiftly all that was sweet and kind to him. Now, however, from some vague reason or clouded instinct, she was prepared to be as stiff as the fanged stalk of a cactus.

He no longer craved the honours of the thinker, however; all he wanted to be was a new believer, and he is proud of his new belief. In making a written declaration of it, he fancied he was writing the catechism of "modern thought," and building the "broad highway of the world's future." Indeed, our Philistines have ceased to be faint-hearted and bashful, and have acquired almost cynical assurance.