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Aaron's drinkin' a good deal now. I hears as how he's a-threatenin' some, but if Jason kind o' keeps outen his way an' they git together when he's sober, hit'll be easy." "Yes," said old Jason, grimly, "but I reckon you Honeycutts had better keep Aaron outen his way a leetle, too." "I'm a-doin' all I can," said Babe earnestly, and he slouched away. "Got yo' gun, Jason?" "No."

"I've been a-threatenin' to have that bed fixed," said Tyson, with politic zeal, as his wife and dog were delivered. Lunette with voiceless indignation seized one of a buttress of birch-switches behind the door, and began applying it to the consciously ruined Snipe, at the arising of whose howls the post-carrier drove up, and, entering, threw the bag, in loud token of his arrival, upon the floor.

Mebby you recollec' you said you'd kill me if I talked about that shootin'. I was a kid then and I was sure scared of the bunch that busted into the shack three growed men ag'in' a kid a-threatenin' what they'd do to the man that bumped off two of their braves. You was askin' who talked up awhile back. It was me." Gary was on his feet and took a step toward Pete when young Andy rose.

An' he's been a-threatenin' to go away again," she went on, whimpering, "an' I'm fast sure he'll go some dawnin' afore I'm up, an' niver let me know aforehand, an' he'll niver come back again when once he's gone.

I swear I didn't mean to do no harm to you." "Wall, ye acted monty quare fur a man that didn't mean no harm," said the pursued man, regaining his breath with some difficulty. "A-chasin' me down with thet ar prod on yer gun, an' a-threatenin' to stick hit inter me at every jump. Only wanted ter see me run, did yer?" "O, mister, I only done it because I wuz ordered to.

For a moment she regarded him. Then she smiled. "Billy," she said severely, "you're stringin' your boss. I'm sure goin' to fire you, some day, like I ben a-threatenin'." "Do an' hire me over!" "Nope." The girl shut her pretty lips and the man's hand crept softly up and touched her wrist where it lay against her knee. "All right," he said airily, "gimme my time. I quit."

Why, d'ye know, I've seen him tear by a piece of work, his hands full with that Man-Eater of his a-threatenin' sudden funeral, an', next morning, had 'm mention casually to a half-inch how deep it was plowed an' what plows'd done the plowin'! Take that plowin' of the Poppy Meadow, up above Little Meadow, on Los Cuatos.

I hain't seen the livin' presence o' them sheep senct I don't know when, says I. 'I've been a-threatenin' these tew years t' go and hunt em up, but the glimpst I've had o' 'em in this 'ere pictur'll dew jest as well, says I; 'fur 's I can see, they look promisin', an' gettin' better points 'n ever for light-weight jumpers, says I Sartin ye hit a bone then, mother! Thar'! I told ye so.

But I don't want nuthin' to do with crazy gals. My wife's cousin was out of his head and he cut up high jinks around the house, a-threatenin' folks with a butcher knife." "That girl was not crazy, though, as it happens," said Dick coldly. "That villain was carrying her away from home against her will. She was no relation to him." "By gosh!"

"Thar's a mean gang o' white folks 'round yere thet's took it inter their heads ter lick every free nigger, an' when yer done come up ter my door in de middle ob de night, a cussin', an' a-threatenin' fer ter break in, I just nat'larly didn't wanter be licked, an' an' so I blazed away. I's powerful sorry 'bout it now, sah." "No doubt it was more my fault than yours. You are a free negro, then?"