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Updated: November 15, 2024
The man wore a large, dark, faded cloak, and a slouched hat; he walked up close to John, and looked at him. John returned the compliment with interest. 'How long have you been sitting thus? said the man. John considered, but nothing came of it. 'Which way have the party gone?
He had the exterior appearance of a mendicant. A slouched hat of huge dimensions; a long white beard which mingled with his grizzled hair; an aged but strongly marked and expressive countenance, hardened, by climate and exposure, to a right brick-dust complexion; a long blue gown, with a pewter badge on the right arm; two or three wallets, or bags, slung across his shoulder, for holding the different kinds of meal, when he received his charity in kind from those who were but a degree richer than himself: all these marked at once a beggar by profession, and one of that privileged class which are called in Scotland the King's Bedesmen, or, vulgarly, Blue-Gowns.
That guest stood in the center of the handsome chamber, and gazed around. "At last!" he hisses between his set white teeth "at last, after two years' weary waiting! At last, oh! my mother, the time has come for me to keep my vow!" He raised one arm with a tragic gesture, removed the slouched hat, and stood uncovered in the tranquil half light.
She spoke defiantly; but her heart was going in great, suffocating plunges against her side, now that the supreme moment had come. "Then, Mollie, behold your husband!" With a theatrical flourish he whipped off slouched hat, flowing beard and wig, dropped the disguising cloak, and stood before her revealed Dr. Guy Oleander! She gave one gasping cry, no more.
At one of the houses where the family still remained, a party reined up and made some inquiries of the pater familias, a hangdog looking specimen, with an old slouched hat covered to the crown with rusty crape, a mark of second-hand gentility in these parts.
"No, it should not," was the answer that came from everything within and about him, filling him with youthful, almost childlike joy. Frederick had pushed back his slouched hat, had unbuttoned his light overcoat, and was standing with his arms crooked over the railing. He looked out upon the sea.
Who is he, anyhow?" Evans slouched easily in the saddle and twisted a smoke. "Now let's get this straight what I'm to remember," he said. "Mr. Slade was saying that he planned to down Cal Harris the first time he caught him out alone. I heard him remark to that effect." He turned and grinned cheerfully at Slade. "That's his very words and I'd swear to it as long as my breath held out.
Henry threw open the door, but for a moment there was no one to be seen; and then, recalling the idiosyncrasy of a certain new friend whom by that very token he guessed it might be, he came out on to the landing, to find a great big friendly man in corpulent blue serge, a rough, dark beard, and a slouched hat, standing a few feet off in a deprecating way, which really meant that if there were any ladies in the room with Mr.
"Tell this man what you did," Joe Johnson spoke; "you waited till you saw the hat at the window, and fired, and fetched hat an' man to the ground?" Swallowing a thimbleful of McLane's brandy, the negro grunted "Blood!" and looked tremblingly at his hands. "What shape of hat was it?" McLane asked, shaking the negro savagely; "was it like this?" shaping his own soft slouched hat to a point.
He stepped out of the doorway, down the couple of steps to the floor of the saloon, and he staggered a little, simulating drunkenness. He fell over the pool tables, jostled Mexicans at the bar, laughed like a maudlin fool, and, with his hat slouched down, crowded here and there. Presently his eye caught sight of the group of cowboys whom he had before noticed with such interest.
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