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Yes, sah, yer haid is thick ernuff, yah, yah," laughed the "doctor." "What would yer do but drink the water, white man? yes, sah, drink the water for the acid in the critter. It's salt in yer blood makes scurvy, from libbin' so long er eatin' nuffin' but salt junk. Lime juice is good, ef the ole man gives it to yer straight, but he nebber does. No, sah, dat he nebber do. It's too expensive.

Then all of a sudden she says something I reckon was 'O, Jesus, and sits down and starts a cryin'. "I would like to have given her comfort. But we all stood around on the hotel poach, and the right thing would not come into my haid. Then the baggage-wagon came in from Cinnabar, and they had picked the keys up on the road between Cinnabar and Gardner.

"Get that notion right out of your haid, Bud. You're goin' to stay right here at home. I'll tell you another thing while we're on that subject. Don't you get to thinkin' that killers are fine people. They ain't. Some of 'em aren't even game. They take all kinds of advantage an' they're a cruel, cold-blooded lot. Never forget that. I'm not talkin' about Jim Clanton, understand.

He looked on perplexed and troubled, then broke out, "I jes' feels ez ef I'd split my blamed ole haid open " She checked him by a gesture. "Wait," she cried, "sit down." She took a chair near him and hastily wiped her eyes. "Perhaps I can help you remember me. You will listen closely, will you not?" "I be dog oh, I forgot," and he looked toward the back parlor apprehensively.

You see, Sheriff Burke is moving up to cut them off from the Catalinas, Jackson is riding out from Mammoth to haid them off that way, these anxious lads that have just pulled out from here are taking care of the Galiuros. I'm supposed to be sitting with my fingers on the keys as a sort of posse dispatcher." "Well, I hope you won't catch them," she told him bluntly.

"Say, it's a real funny time o' night for a young girl like you to go lookin' foh a home to lay her haid," remarked the negress. "But you can step in the hall. I'll call Mis' MacMahon. She's the lady o' the house. We've got a room upstahs, but I don't know whethah she'll let you have it." She allowed Clo to enter, and left the girl standing as she descended the basement stairs.

It must have brought something to the Colonel's mind, for he began to chuckle. "Sapry wuz a yaller gal of de Cunnel's, who'se 'ngaged to mahry a dude nigger on Mister Lige Dudley's place, turr side of town. Nuthin' 'ud do but Zack must perform dat cer'mony him jest bein' 'lected haid deacon of de new chu'ch what had its meetin's under a big sycamoh tree down by de crick.

Among other now well-known men who came to us and assisted in various kinds of work were Messrs. Acheson, Worth, Crosby, Herrick, and Hill, while Doctor Haid was placed by Mr. Edison in charge of a special chemical laboratory. Dr. E. L. Nichols was also with us for a short time conducting a special series of experiments. There was also Mr.

"How I gwine teck cyar you like Ole Miss done tole me, w'en you let yo' bile git ter yo' haid like dis? 'Tain' no way ter do, suh." The Major was too full for silence; and, ignoring the Governor, who had hurried out to beseech him to return, he let his rage burst forth. "I can't help it, Congo, I can't help it!" he said.

"Well, go on, because it will soon be time for you to be getting down to the meeting-house to exhort the hands." "Dat's jes' what I want to speak 'bout, dat 'zortin'." "Well, you've been doing it for a good many years now." "Dat's de very idee, dat's in my haid now. Mas' Gawge, huccume you read me so nigh right?" "Oh, that's not reading anything, that's just truth.