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Updated: August 15, 2024

"Your things are all here on this chair," and the little girl led the fat cook over toward it. "Things fo' me? What yo'-all talkin' 'bout chile? Ole Dinah don't git no Christmas!" protested the jolly colored woman, laughing so that she shook all over. "Yes, you do get a Christmas, Dinah.

"An' can't yo'-all take a picture ob de chicken coop?" asked Eradicate. "Dat feller may come back t' rob mah hens." "With the lens pointing toward the shop," spoke Tom, "it will also take snap shots of any one who tries to enter the coop. So, if the chicken thief does come, Rad, we'll have a picture of him."

Yo'-all keep on and yo'll sure find yo'r tombstone out there some day." He never dreamed that he had named a town. Nor did Schiefflin think much of it at the moment: he had received other warnings, just as strong, before. But none of them had been put as neatly as this. So the words abode in his memory although they did not affect his comings and goings in the least.

"Do you mean to tell me, Rad," went on Tom, "that one of the workmen from another shop entered Number Thirteen on the pass issued in the name of one of the men regularly employed in my new shop?" "Dat's whut he done, Massa Tom." "How do you know?" "'Cause I detected him doin' it. Yo'-all done made me a deteckertiff, an' I detected." "Go on, Rad."

Meanwhile the stampeding animals were rushing nearer. "Hold on dere, Massa Tom!" suddenly called Eradicate. "Yo'-all done flustered dat mule, dat's what yo' done. Yo'-all am too much excited 'bout him. Be calm! Be calm!" "Calm! With that bunch of wild animals bearing down on us?" shouted Tom. "Let's see you be calm, Rad. Come on here, you obstinate brute!" he cried, straining on the rope.

Dat dog must be mos' starved, an' yo'-all is lubbin him so dat he ain't time to eat a sandwich. Let him hab some breakfast, an' den hug him!" "Oh, but we like him so!" cried Flossie. So Snap was restored, and Danny was sent home out of the woods, so there was no more trouble from him. In the days that followed, the Bobbsey twins at Snow Lodge had many more good times.

I'll cotch him for yo'-all, Massa Tom," and, muttering to himself, the aged colored man endeavored to assume the activity of former years. "Hark!" exclaimed Ned, as he and Tom were about ready to take part in the chase. "What's that noise, Tom?" "Sounds like a motor-cycle." "It is. That fellow " "It's the same chap!" interrupted Tom. "No use trying to chase him on that speedy machine.

"Gittin' too old!" exclaimed the colored man indignantly, for that was his sore point. "What yo'-all mean, Andy Foger? I ain't gittin' old, an' neider am Boomerang." "Oh, I thought you were, as you haven't been on any trips lately." "I ain't, hey? Well I's gwine on one right soon, let me tell you dat, Andy Foger!" "No! Is that so? Glad to hear it. Up to the North Pole I suppose?"

With him came Snap, the trick dog, and the tiny stream of water caught Sam full in the face. "Hello! What am dat?" he demanded in surprise. "Am de house leakin'?" "It's my new fire engine!" cried Freddie. "I didn't mean to wet you, Sam, but I was playing Dinah was on fire!" "Well, yo'-all didn't wet me so very much," replied Sam, with a grin that showed his white teeth.

Yuh ought to have 'em across the Rio by sunup. Theah won't be any pursuit. Don Floristo isn't in any position to ordah it. I'll see yo'-all at Ma Thomas' dinnah table." "Where are you goin', Kid?" Lathum asked in astonishment. "Harry will help yo' get the cattle home," said The Kid. "I'm ridin' like all get-out to make Mistah Goliday, Esquiah, a social call." "But why " Wise began.

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