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A brakeman passed, and Gideon leaped to his feet and pursued him. "Misteh, how long yo'-all reckon this train goin' to be?" "About an hour." The question had been a mere matter of form. Gideon had made up his mind, and if he had been told that they started in five minutes he would not have changed it.

Young Doc was now present measuring powders into little papers which he folded neatly, while Miss Caroline stood at hand, cowering but stubborn under Clem's violence. "Miss Cahline, yo' suttinly old enough t' know betteh'n that. Ah do wish yo' Paw was about th' house he maghty quickly put yo'-all in yo' place. Now Ah tole yo' Ah ain't go'n' a' have none o' this yeh Doctah foolishness.

Did any of you see him trailing us?" "He did come a little way, when we started," came from Dorothy. "Yes, but Dinah called him back; didn't you?" asked Nan of the cook. "Yes, missis, dat's what I did. An' Snap come. Den, t' make suah he wouldn't sneak off an' foller yo'-all, I shut him up in de kitchen an' gibe him a chicken bone. Arter a while I let him out.

I jes lubs oranges an' bananas, an' ef yo'-all is shore dat I'll find some, why, I'll come along." "Find 'em? Of course you will!" cried Ned. "And cocoanuts, too," added Tom. "Only, Rad, I meant to say that the monkeys would throw the cocoanuts down to you from the trees. That breaks the hard shells you see, and all you have to do is to take out the meat, and drink the milk.

The Terror would welcome such plunder, and it was his custom never to leave a man alive to carry the tale. "Men," he said, "yo'-all got to believe me! Yo're in terrible danger, and off the right road. One man has already given his life to save yo', and now I'm ready to give mine, if necessary. Let me stay with yo' and guide yo' to safety, fo' yo' own sakes!

"Yo'-all keep on and yo'll sure find yo'r tombstone out there some day." He could hear the old-timer saying the words now. And, as he listened to the grim warning again, he felt as perhaps those two prospectors felt in the moment of their awakening down by the river that fate had sadly swindled him.

I ain't so big as yo'-all, but I know de English language, which is mo' 'n yo' all does. Go on an' lemme be!" Koku, good naturedly, gave place, for he, too, felt for Eradicate. "Well, Ned," remarked Tom one day, after the visit of the postman, "I have a letter from the steel people. They are going to take the gun out of the mould tomorrow, and start to rifle it.

She did not intend to question or argue; she meant to control the situation from the start. "Hit's in the grave 'long o' Zalie!" Becky was on her defence. "Zalie" here the befogged brain went under a cloud "Zalie she come a-looking but hit's in the grave! I tell yo'-all, hit's in the grave!" The trembling creature wavered in the firelight. She was filled with fear but of what, who could tell?

Yo'-all ready fo' me to go along out o' here?" "Yes drive fast, George!" urged Betty. "It's right dark fo' fas' drivin' Missy, with the road jes' aimin' fo' to bus' yo' springs with chuckholes!" He had turned his horses' heads in the direction of Raleigh while he was speaking. "It's scandalous black in these heah woods, Missy I 'clar' I never seen it no blacker!"

Eradicate, the old colored man, who was driving his mule Boomerang, hitched to a wagon in which he was carting away some refuse that had been raked up in the garden, halted his outfit nearby. "I say, Massa Tom!" he called, as the young inventor passed near him, in making a tour of the ship. "Well, Rad, what is it?" "Doan't yo'-all want fo' ma an' Boomerang t' gib yo'-all a tow?