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But we poor humble people are privileged not only to choose a wife who loves us, and whom we love, but we may, can, and do take such a one, because we are neither noble, nor highborn, nor rich, but, on the contrary, lowly, humble, and poor; we therefore need no wealthy wife, for our riches being in our heads, die with us, and these no man can deprive us of unless he cut them off, in which case we need nothing more.

Oh Fate! withhold thy hand and cease thy hurt and harm * Look and behold my hapless sprite in colour and affright: Wilt ne'er show ruth to highborn youth who lost him on the way * Of Love, and fell from wealth and fame to lowest basest wight. Now when the Sultan heard the mournful voice he sprang to his feet; and, following the sound, found a curtain let down over a chamber door.

Was he not Rajah Hassim and was not the other a man of strong heart, of strong arm, of proud courage, a man great enough to protect highborn princes a friend? Immada's words called out a smile which, like the words, was lost in the darkness. "Forget your weariness," he said, gently, "lest, O Sister, we should arrive too late." The coming day would throw its light on some decisive event.

In the Via di San Gallo, not very far from the street where Andrea and his friend lodged, there lived a very beautiful woman called Lucrezia. She was not a highborn lady, only the daughter of a working man, but she was as proud and haughty as she was beautiful. Nought cared she for things high and noble, she was only greedy of praise and filled with a desire to have her own way in everything.

Yet a highborn warrior was much more becomingly employed in plundering the land of others than in tilling his own. "The religion of the greater part of the Highlands was a rude mixture of Popery and Paganism. The symbol of redemption was associated with heathen sacrifices and incantations. Baptised men poured libations of ale on one Dæmon, and set out drink offerings of milk for another.

Of that, although always a spendthrift Argument in a circle Better to be governed by magistrates than mobs Burning with bitter revenge for all the favours he had received Calumny is often a stronger and more lasting power than disdain Casual outbursts of eternal friendship Changed his positions and contradicted himself day by day Conciliation when war of extermination was intended Considered it his special mission in the world to mediate Created one child for damnation and another for salvation Death rather than life with a false acknowledgment of guilt Denoungced as an obstacle to peace Depths theological party spirit could descend Depths of credulity men in all ages can sink Devote himself to his gout and to his fair young wife Enemy of all compulsion of the human conscience Extraordinary capacity for yielding to gentle violence France was mourning Henry and waiting for Richelieu Furious mob set upon the house of Rem Bischop Hardly a sound Protestant policy anywhere but in Holland He that stands let him see that he does not fall Heidelberg Catechism were declared to be infallible Highborn demagogues in that as in every age affect adulation History has not too many really important and emblematic men Human nature in its meanness and shame I hope and I fear I know how to console myself If he has deserved it, let them strike off his head Implication there was much, of assertion very little In this he was much behind his age or before it It had not yet occurred to him that he was married John Robinson King who thought it furious madness to resist the enemy Logic is rarely the quality on which kings pride themselves Magistracy at that moment seemed to mean the sword Make the very name of man a term of reproach Misery had come not from their being enemies Mockery of negotiation in which nothing could be negotiated More apprehension of fraud than of force Necessity of deferring to powerful sovereigns Never lack of fishers in troubled waters Not his custom nor that of his councillors to go to bed O God! what does man come to!

And I love her her out of all women a doe to be hunted at dawn, a mare to be spurred through the watches of the night " "Hugh!" "I love her as my father loved you my father, of whom I am the eldest son son of a highborn father, son of a highborn mother outcast outcast!" "For pity's sake, Hugh, stop!" But the storm swept on, tearing the veil from the woman's eyes.

If, warmed for a moment from the gravity of the historic muse, we might conjure up the picture of this festival, we would invoke the imagination of the reader to that sacred ground decorated with the profusest triumphs of Grecian art all Greece assembled from her continent, her colonies, her isles war suspended a Sabbath of solemnity and rejoicing the Spartan no longer grave, the Athenian forgetful of the forum the highborn Thessalian, the gay Corinthian the lively gestures of the Asiatic Ionian; suffering the various events of various times to confound themselves in one recollection of the past, he may see every eye turned from the combatants to one majestic figure hear every lip murmuring a single name glorious in greater fields: Olympia itself is forgotten.

The impression of womanly difference is nowhere more completely given. One picture is that of the lofty, haughty, "highborn Helen," the superb Lady Clara Vere de Vere; the other is that of the thrifty Baucis, the gardener Adam's wife. And the two are as near in the young man's heart as they are in the poem. When Mr.

The young Colonna was much struck by her beauty, and more by her gentle and highborn grace.